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July 18, 1985

Stevie had just changed back into her red moto-sheath, tank top dress and re-tied the bow at her waist and was slipping her feet into her black pumps when Dr. Skye walked back in to the exam room. Stevie had gone to her six week postnatal exam, and was getting ready to head to the caterering place so she could cake test and food test with Lori. 

"So how are we looking?" Stevie asks.

"There's nothing saying that you and the Prince can't have sex, but if you do for at least the next six months, if you don't want to be back here so soon, please use protection. A woman is extremely fertile at this point." 

"Oh don't worry. Lindsey and I most likely will not be having sex for at least a year." 

"Oh?" Dr. Skye gasps.

"It's so odd with William right there. And we're worried that he might quit breathing and if we're having sex we can't be paying attention to his breaths and it's this whole thing, but we probably won't be having sex until we move him out of our bedroom." Stevie states.

"I'd say about six or eight months is when you can move them to their own room. But Dr. Waller will know more." 

"Yeah, we talked to him about it on Monday when William got his shots. I do have to run though, I have an appointment, but thank you." 

"Of course, see you in three years unless you decide you want to get pregnant or you notice any unnatural lumps." She smirks.

"Sounds good." Stevie laughs walking out of the room. 


Stevie luckily climbs out of her car at the same time that Lori does. 

"I'm so glad you made it." Lori jogs up to her.

"I was just at the gynecologist. Those appointments don't take THAT long." She rolls her eyes.

"I know, but still." She shrugs. "And no William."

"No, Lindsey's home so I left him with him. I swear to god, William is only six weeks old, but he and Lindsey are like the same person." Stevie explains.

"Now you have to have another one so they're just like you." 

"Lindsey and I aren't having any more children. William was a compromise." 

"He was?" Lori asks.

"I never wanted kids. Ever. Remember when I found out I was pregnant and I told you all of this." She looks at Lori

"I know, but I was thinking it changed since most of the time William is attached to you." Lori smirks. And it was true, more times than not Stevie was holding that little baby boy. It certainly wasn't his choice, he'd be content in his swing or doing tummy time on his mat, and Stevie would come along watch him for a little while and then she'd get that itch to pick him up and hold him, so she does. 

"I don't know how good of a mom I'm going to be when he's older and I'm back at work full time and he can take care of himself for the most part. So Lindsey and I compromised with one. I had to identify my successor, so now we have a successor and my back is covered." Stevie shrugs.

"Well, for what it's worth. You are really good with him and I think that if you were to have another child, it wouldn't be that bad." Lori explains. 

"Alright, let's stop talking about my reproductive system. Let's go eat some cake." Stevie nudges Lori as they make their way into the building. 


When Stevie gets home she falls next to Lindsey on the couch. William was sleeping in his baby swing and Tucker was at the other end of the couch. 

"What's the matter with you?" He asks.

"So much fucking food." She states her hand falling at her stomach.

"How'd the gynecologist go." He wraps his arms around her and pulls her close.

"Fine. We've been cleared, but you are not going anywhere near me for a while." She points.

"Oh yeah?" 

"I'm serious. I'm still tender from the fucking stitches. And besides it's kinda hard for me to have sex with our baby right next to me." 

"Yeah, he does it make it kinda hard to get it up. I love him, but it's just awkward." 

"Anyway, the menu for Lori's wedding is going to be salmon and roast chicken. No matter how that cook tried to make a steak every single option we were given was tough to chew through. The sides are going to be baby red potatoes, green beans, little mini corn on the cobs, and salad. There will be a gnocchi pasta as well for vegetarian consumption. Their cake is going to carrot cake and French vanilla." Stevie tells him.

'How much food did you eat today?" He asks.

"Too much. I'm sorry honey, but dinner is not in the cards for me." Stevie shakes her head.

"That's okay, I can just pick all night." He kisses her head.

"I want my baby." 

"He's sleeping." Lindsey states.

"I don't care, I want my baby." She stands up and goes over to the little swing.

"You know they say not to wake a sleeping baby." 

"I know, but I want my baby." She slowly unbuckles him and scoops him up in her arms. He does slightly startle when she picks him up and whimpers slightly. But then, he settles right back down in her arms and she goes over to the couch again. 

Once she's settled in the crook of Lindsey's arm and their baby is settled in the crook of her arm, the parents stare down at their little one. 

"He's perfect Linds." She repeats the words that they said in the hospital room when he was born.

"I know he looks like me." Lindsey reminds her, again of that night-early morning-in the hospital room. 

"No, I'm serious. We've had him for six weeks and he's such a good baby. Hardly ever cries, sleeps wonderfully, when he smiles its like the world lights up. He's really the perfect baby." Stevie states.

"Yeah I guess you're right. But he's going to be daddy's little buddy." Lindsey states.

"No, he's going to be a mama's boy." Stevie argues. 

"But when you go back to work, who is all going to be home with him...me...I am.." 

"Don't you dare turn my baby against me Mr. Buckingham." She cuddles her son closer to her. 

"Wouldn't dream of it." Lindsey kisses her temple. 

"I love you Lindsey." 

"I know." He nods. 

"Aren't you going to say it back." 

"I love you to Angel." He rolls his eyes. 

"You better love me, because you're stuck with me." She smirks.

"I can still move out into the pool house though." He teases.

"Don't you dare." She shakes her head.

"I don't plan on it Angel." He replies swooping down and connecting their lips. They were kissing for a few moments quite heavily when a loud squeal came from Stevie's arms. 

They laughed as they pulled away and Stevie looked down at her baby. 

"I think we have a little jealous peanut here." 

"Back off kid, she's mine." Lindsey coos pointing at his son who gives him a beaming smile in response. 

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