About a week later, Derek was due to come back to work. "Are you sure you're okay with me going back? Because I'll stay longer if you need me. Really, I don't mind." Derek tried.

"No, you go. We're okay. Your mom and I will be fine with the kids." Meredith replied. "Are you sure? If you need-"

"For Gods sake, Derek Shepherd, go!" Carolyn exclaimed as she walked over with Bailey in her arms. "The kids will be fine and I will keep an eye on your wife. Go." She said in her stern motherly voice.

"Okay. I love you." He said, kissing Meredith softly. "I love you too. Now go cut someone open. I expect a full report back on how everything went tonight. Got it?" Meredith asked with a grin.

"Got it." He chuckled, walking out of the house. "He is so much like his father in ways he'll never know." Carolyn laughed to herself.

"Was your husband stubborn as hell?" Meredith asked as she crutched into the kitchen. "Very. It was one of the things I loved and hated about him." Carolyn responded.

"Me too." Meredith replied as she sat down at the counter, where Zola was sitting and eating some waffles Carolyn made.

"You guys have a beautiful home, by the way. I don't think I've said that yet, but it's beautiful. When Derek first said he was building a house in the middle of nowhere, I can't say I wasn't worried. But the view is spectacular." Carolyn complimented.

"Oh, thank you. Derek handled everything with the contractors and stuff. I just told him what I wanted." She laughed.

"Good." Carolyn laughed in response. "Mama, can we watch Paw Patrol today?" Zola asked, grinning. "Sure, baby." Meredith replied.


A little while later, Meredith showered and dressed herself in a pair of Derek's sweatpants and a sweatshirt while Carolyn watched the kids.

She came downstairs and saw the two kids and Carolyn on the couch, watching paw patrol. "Mama." Zola said, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her mother.

Meredith smiled and slowly sat down onto the couch. Zola crawled over to her and sat in her lap. "We watching Paw patrol!" Zola exclaimed proudly.

"I can see that." Meredith giggled as she wrapped her arms around her daughter. Meredith looked over to Bailey when he started to fuss.

"Mommy's got you, Bails." Meredith whispered, gently taking him into her arms while maneuvering Zola around.

"Aw, that's adorable. Let me get a picture of you three." Carolyn said, taking out her phone and snapping a few pictures.


At work, Derek got himself a few good surgeries, but truth be told, he really just wanted to be home. After spending weeks with Meredith, the kids, and his mother, he was missing all of them desperately.

And when his mom sent him the picture of his wife and two kids cuddling together on the couch, it just made him want to be home even more.

"Shepherd!" Richard said, walking over to him. "Hey, Richard." Derek replied with a sigh. "What's the matter?" The older man asked.

"Nothing. Just want to be home." He answered. "Oh. How's Meredith doing?" Richard asked. "She's okay. Crutches now." Derek responded.

"I need her back. I know she's still recovering, but our temporary general attending is a moron. Even if she can only consult, I need her." He said.


"I know she needs rest. But she gives bailey a run for her money at best general attending. I'm not saying tomorrow. Can you just mention it to her?" Richard asked. More like begged.

"I'll mention it to her. But I don't want her to push herself." Derek replied. "Thank you. Uh, you can go home. I'll have Nelson take over your consults and surgeries." He said.

"You sure?" Derek asked in surprise. "I'm sure. Go be with your family. I'll see you tomorrow." Richard answered. "Thanks, Richard." Derek said, nodding and walking to his office.

He got home a little while later and stepped onto the porch. Carolyn was playing with Zola out on the playground, and Meredith and Bailey were relaxing on the hammock.

"Hey. You're home early." Meredith smiled as she saw her husband walk through the door. "I know. Richard let me home early. How's it going?" Derek replied, bending down into a crouching position to kiss Meredith on the forehead and kiss his son on the forehead.

"Good. Your mom is a godsend." Meredith joked as Derek gently took his son from her chest. "I know." Derek replied. Meredith slowly swung her legs over the hammock and grabbed her crutches. "Where you going?" Derek asked.

"I've had to pee for the last hour but I didn't want to wake him." She replied with a laugh. "Go." He laughed, kissing her chastely before she crutched away.

Derek walked over to the play set and smiled. "Daddy!" Zola exclaimed, standing up out of the sand box and running into his legs. "Hi princess." He replied, swinging her up into his arms.

"Having fun with Grandma?" Derek asked, kissing the side of her head. "Yeah!" Zola replied happily. "Good. Guess what?" Derek answered. "What?" The little girl asked eagerly.

"I brought home Tacos." He whispered. "Tacos!" Zola exclaimed, wiggling out of his grip. Derek laughed and put her down. She ran as fast as her little feet could carry her into the house.

"She's quite the little girl." Carolyn commented with a smile. "Yeah, she is." Derek agreed softly as he followed his family inside.

Hey guys!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. As always, if you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to drop them. Thanks for reading!!

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