The next morning, Carolyn awoke to screaming. She was in the living room, Bailey in his rocking seat, and Zola watching cartoons. Derek had got called in for an emergency MVC.

Carolyn immediately jumped off of the couch and quickly went upstairs. She threw the door open and her heart broke at the sight of her daughter in law.

Meredith was shaking in her sleep, and whimpering. It was clear she was having a nightmare. Carolyn's motherly Instincts turned on and she quickly walked over to the bed.

"Wake up, Meredith." She said softly, shaking her shoulder gently. "It's alright, dear. I'm here." Carolyn added. Notning.

"Meredith, it's Carolyn. Wake up." She urged louder. Meredith's eyes snapped open and she sat up in a jolt. Her still recovering ribs cried out in protest at the action

Meredith focused on trying to breath and get out of the nightMare she just had.

Meredith pulled up to stop at the intersection. Her and Derek were on the way home. "I'm a better driver than you!" Derek argued playfully. "No
You're not." Meredith replied.

"I am!" He said as the light turned Green. Meredith began straight, and that's when it happened. A semi hit them, Derek's side, straight on.

The next thing Meredith knew was she was running alongside Derek's gurney at Grey Sloan. "I'm so sorry Derek!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face.

Derek was barely conscious as they moved him into a trauma bay. He took off the oxygen mask that was put on him just minutes ago. "I'm...gonna die....because...of you." He wheezed out, looking at Meredith.

In that moment, his heart monitor went flat. Meredith watched helplessly as they tried to restart his heat. "Time of death, 7:32pm." Owen called.

"I killed him. I killed my husband." Meredith whispered.

"You're alright, honey. It was just a dream." Carolyn soothed, rubbing her back softly. "D-Derek." Meredith breathed shakily. "He got called in for work. He said he'd be back as soon as he can." She answered.

"I-I want derek." She whispered, rocking herself back and forth to try to get rid of the panic building inside her.

"Close your eyes." Carolyn said. "W-what?"

"Close your eyes. Trust me." She repeated. Meredith did so hesitantly. "Think of waking up on a Sunday morning, no work to do, and the kids are sleeping." Carolyn said softly,Hoping this would soothe the shaking girl beside her.

"Dereks holding you close, keeping you nice and warm. You both are awake, but don't want to move." She said.

Meredith felt the panic seep out of her Slowly. "I'm okay." She whispered. "You're okay." Carolyn replied with a smile.

"You-you can go back down. I'll be down soon." Meredith said. "I'll help you down." Carolyn offered, kissing her forehead gently.


"Hi mama!" Zola exclaimed, jumping Up Onto the couch. "Hi zo! Did you sleep good?" She asked, wrapping her good arm around her. "Yeah!" Zola said happily.

"Can you get him for me?" Meredith asked. Carolyn nodded and handed him over. Meredith snuggled him close to her chest. "You hungry?" Meredith cooed. She shot a glance over to Carolyn before pulling her shirt down slightly. It wasn't like anything could really be seen.

Bailey latched on, his tiny hand laying on top of her breast. "How are you feeling?" Carolyn asked. "Not too bad. I'm getting sick of the stupid wheelchair though." Meredith admitted.

"How much more longer with the arm cast? Then you'll be able to use crutches, right?" Carolyn asked sympathetically.

"Probably 2 more weeks. I have a check up In a few days I think." Meredith responded. "Not too long then." Carolyn said.

It was about 11am when Derek walked into the house. "Hey." He said softly. "Hi." Meredith replied. "Sorry I had to leave. Really bad MVC." Derek said, sitting down on the couch and kissing her gently.

"It's okay." Meredith responded. Derek put his arM around her and felt the tension. "Everything okay?" He asked in concern, eyeing his mother. "Yes. Everything's fine." Meredith said quickly.

Derek knew his wife well enough to the point where he could read her like a book. Obviously sometning happened in his absence and he just had to figure it out. "Hi Zo." Derek said, leaving it for now.

"Hi daddy." Zola replied, jumping on his lap. "How is he?" Derek asked, motioning to the now sleeping baby on Meredith's chest. "Good. I have to pee." Meredith replied.

Carolyn chuckled and lifted Bailey out of her arms. Meredith hopped to the wheelchair and rolled herself down the hall.

"What happened while I was gone?" Derek asked as he heard the bathroom door shut. "She just had a little nightmare." Carolyn replied.

"About what?" He pried. "Ask her, Derek. She should be the one to tell you." She answered calmly. "Fine." Derek grumbled as he stood up. "Where are you
Going?" Carolyn asked. "To talk to her."

Derek went off to the bathroom and waited for to come out. "What are you doing?" Meredith asked as she opened the door to see him standing there.

"We have to talk." He said, just before scooping her up gently into his arms. "Hey! Put me down!" She screeched as she hit him with her good arm.

Derek didn't respond and eventually felt Meredith relax and give in to the fact that he wasn't going to put her down. "Don't drop me." She mumbled.

They got up to their rooM and Derek put her down gently on the bed. "What happened this morning?" Derek asked, sitting down next to her.

"What did your mom tell you?" Meredith asked. "That you had a nightmare. What was it about? Why?" Derek asked.

"The accident. You got hit this time...we got to the hospital and.." she started, getting choked up. "And you were dying. You said it was my fault you died." She whispered.

"Oh, Mer. You know I would never do that." Derek breathed. "I can't lose you." Meredith admitted in a whisper, wiping away her tears. "You won't lose me. I promise you won't." He said, hugging her tightly.

"I love you Derek." Meredith said. "I love you too."

Hey guys!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. As always, if you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to drop them. Thanks for reading!!

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