Day 5 post op for Meredith, and she was really to get the hell out. She was finally moved to the step down unit, not the ICU anymore, which was one step closer to going home.

"Good morning." Derek said cheerfully, strolling in the room with a warm cup of coffee in his hand. "Morning." Meredith grumbled.

"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing her foul mood. "I'm bored. I want to see the kids and go home." She replied.

"I'm sorry. Only a few more days though probably." Derek said sympathetically, sitting on the bed. "Can you bring the kids? Or ask Bailey if you can wheel me around or something? Seriously Derek, I'm going to die of boredom." Meredith pleaded.

"I'll bring the kids and ask Bailey." He assured. "Ask me what?" Bailey asked, walking into the room. "Can Derek wheel me around? I'm bored." Meredith asked.

"Let me check your incisions first." Bailey replied. Meredith nodded as Bailey began to look over her incision.

"Fine. You can go for a walk. Let me get someone in here to help you up. If it hurts or anything, you tell me. It is soon to be getting you out of bed." Bailey said sternly.

"Then maybe you should-" Derek started.

"Don't even finish that sentence Derek Shepherd." Meredith it in. Bailey paged Callie and she came in quickly.

"Grey wants to her wheeled around by Shepherd." Bailey announced. "You sure you want to do that? It's probably gonna hurt." Callie asked apprehensively.

"I'm sure." Meredith said, sitting up by herself. "Easy, Grey." Bailey warned, going to one of side her, Callie on the other.

"No weight bearing on your bad leg. Bailey and I will hold most of your weight." Callie instructed. "Okay." Meredith said.

They managed to get her into a wheelchair, with her leg propped up. Derek found a way to push the chair with his broken arm and out the door.

Meredith ignored all the pity looks she got and was just Happy to be out of her room. "What are you two doing?" Carolyn asked as she walked upon them.

"I needed to get out of that room. And I want to see my babies." Meredith replied. "I just dropped them off in daycare." Carolyn said.

"Derek, can you bring me up there?" She asked hopefully. "Okay." Derek answered, giving in. Meredith grinned and looked at Carolyn. "Did you watch them last night?" She asked as Derek began pushing her.

"Amelia and I did. They very well behaved. You and Derek are doing a great job." Carolyn praised. Derek smiled and squeezed his wife's shoulder.

They got to the daycare and Carolyn stayed with Meredith whole Derek got the kids. "Mama!" Zola exclaimed happily as she saw her mother.

Meredith smiled. Carolyn put Zola gently on Merediths good leg and she wrapped her arms around her little girl. "Got booboo?" Zola asked curiously.

"Yeah, mama has a boo boo. I missed you so much." Meredith murmured, kissing her forehead. "Miss you too." Zola replied.

Derek held the baby and waited for Zola to get off of Meredith before he propped Bailey into Merediths good arm.

"Hi baby boy." Meredith whispered. Baileys little hands grabbed on to her gown and he nuzzled his tiny face in her chest.

"He's a handsome little man." Carolyn said with a soft smile. "He looks like his mommy." Derek commented. "With his daddy's eyes." Meredith added.

Meredith held and chatted to the kids for a little longer before it was time for bailey and Zola's nap time.

Derek pushed Meredith back to her room with Carolyn and they got her back in bed. Truth be told, she was a little tired from her trip.


Hours later after a nap for both Derek and Meredith, Bailey came in the room, followed by Callie, Nelson, cristina and Richard.

"Do you know when I can leave?" Meredith asked, sitting up in the bed, Derek on the couch nearby. "That's what we're checking right now. I want another CT and torres wants a few xrays I'm sure before we discharge you." Richard replied.

"Fine." Meredith grumbled, sitting back as she let her doctors do their jobs and examine her.

Then, Meredith had multiple scans. She had a CT, a ton of X-rays, and an echo over the next couple of hours. She was bored out of her mind. Derek tried to entertain her by talking about cases or showing her stuff on his computer, but she just wanted to go Home.

"Richard and I are comfortable with discharging you in the next few days. The bleeding has resolved completely, and there's no reason to keep you here. Obviously, at home you're not to do any strenuous activity of any kind. We'd prefer you to sit when you can, don't stand up or walk around much." Bailey explained.

Meredith nodded and turned to her next doctor. "You're X-rays look okay. The plates and pins and screws are all in the correct spot, now it's just a matter of time for the bones to start healing. As for your nerves, there was luckily minimal damage, so in PT which will start in a few weeks they'll work on getting that strength back. I'm okay with discharging you as well, but no walking or standing unless you absolutely have to for at least the first week." Callie said.

"I'm also comfortable with discharging you, your neuro exams have come back clean every time, and your CT scan shows no bleeding." Nelson finished off.

"So tomorrow?" Meredith asked hopefully. "How about two days?" Richard responded. "Why?" She complained.

"Because that would be one week post op. I can push it longer if you push it." Richard said sternly. "Fine." Meredith grumbled.

2 more days.

Hey guys!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. As always, if you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to drop them. I also started school recently so updates will be slower. Thanks for reading!!

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