Chapter 9

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You wake up in your bed. You see all the brilliant lights that make up the shield. You sit up quickly but feel pain shoot through your body.

"Wow easy there girl," you hear Flin say as he comes to you. You smile and look around for Technoblade and Dream. You wanted to tell them that you loved them too.

"Your friends aren't here right now they went on patrol. You've been out for about two weeks." You look around the room. There was no evidence that any time had passed. Until you looked down at yourself. You wore soft white bandages around your wrists, hands and arms now. Another large bandage was wrapped around your chest and waist.

You try to talk but are unable to speak. You look at Flin trying to figure out how to communicate with the old man. Quickly you hold out one hand and pretend to write on it with the other.

Flin gets the message. He rushes out of the room to get you something to write on. Slowly you get up and stand. You feel pain shot through your body. You walk over to the rails that surround your room. You look around the area surrounded by the shield but don't see Dream or Technoblade.

Suddenly you see movement in the shield. A chicken walks through it and then is pushed back out by the shield's magic. Only people with some human DNA can pass through the shield or animals that had a mark that allowed them to cross through.

You hear movement behind you. Quickly you spin around and prepare yourself for a fight. Only to find Flin standing there wide-eyed with a notebook and pencil. You walk over to him and take the notebook and pencil. He leads to you sit on your bed.

"You aren't supposed to be up your hurt."

Yeah but it doesn't hurt to much. What even happened? You write.

"When you were using to mush energy... your ribs started cracking and cracks ran up along your arm. Dreams and Technoblade made it up to the top where you were starting to go unconscious. You've been out ever since."

What's happened? Have there been any signs of Sam and his group? Have they come near the outpost? When are Dream and Techno going to be back?

"Easy on the questions Y/N. Dream and Technoblade will probably be back in half an hour. We haven't seen any sign of Sam and his group or seen them anywhere near the outpost. We built a stable for the horses while you were out."

Have you figured out the shields abilities?

You look up when Flin doesn't respond. You see him standing, looking out at the shield. Closing your eyes, you take a breath and then attempt to speak.

"Flin? Are you ok?" Your voice sounds scratchy but it understandable.

He spins around and see you standing behind him. He smiles at you. Pulling him into a quick hug, you look out at the shield. You see that something is coming through. Dream and Technoblade come through it.

"Dream, Technoblade! Y/N is awake!" Flin yells. The two look up and see you. Immediately their sprinting towards the outpost. A minute later they crash into you causing all three of you to fall to the ground and pull you into a tight hug.

"Don't ever do that to us again. We thought we'd lost you. Ok? Please no more extensive shields when you have little energy," Dream says. Technoblade and him pull you close as you wrap your arms around them.

"I won't and I love you too." Silence filled the air. You gently bring your arms down and find their hands. You take one in each of yours. You curl up into one of their chests. Laying your head on their shoulder and closing your eyes.

"You... you love us too?" Techno says. You open your eyes and look at him. You'd set your head on Dream's shoulder.

"Yes I love you both. I... it was the last thing I heard before I went unconscious. I'm glad you two came into my life. If you hadn't I'd be in a lab, broken and alone."

"Y/N... I... wow. So you don't hate us. Even after us bringing Sam and his group into your life. I mean they still would've come after you but not as soon," Dream says. "I didn't think you would actually care. You an amazing person who has your whole life ahead of you, but me and Technoblade, we're fugitives. Thanks to us you're also a fugitive. We never should of came into your..."

You cut Dream off by pulling him into a kiss. You let go of someone's hand and set it on his cheek. Then you pull away.

"Don't you ever say that you two never should've came into my life. If it wasn't for the two of you I'd be in a laboratory getting experimented on."

You turn to Technoblade. You pull him close and kiss him. You feel his hand touch your face slightly caressing your cheek. A hand comes up and traces your back and around your wings. You pull away from Technoblade and pull both Dream and Techno into a hug. On your back you feel two hands interlock and a head rest on your shoulder.

You pull back and watch as Technoblade and Dream lean against each other. You see their arms unwrap around you and find your hands. Their two free hands find their way to each other and intertwine.

"Wait... Were you two a thing before you met me. Omg that's so adorable," you say as their faces turn red. You giggle as they look at each other and then at the floor.

"Yes we were a thing before we met you. We still are but then we both fell in love with you. Your compassion, kindness, love, authority, affection, intelligence, quick thinking, hope. That's what made us fall in love with you. We're not perfect but we'll care for you and your future child," Dream says looking into your eyes.

"Our child."

"Pardon, but did you just say our child? As in Dream's, yours and mine?"

"Yes I want the two of you to be the fathers of my child. If not by blood than by love."

That's when someone clears their throat behind you. Startled you all look behind you and see Flin standing there.

"Oh sorry sir. Umm... forgot you were there," Technoblade says with a nervous laugh.

Dream face palms himself with Technoblade and his hands and you look at the ground embarrassed as Flin bursts out laughing. You all look at him confused.

"You guys all fell for it. I didn't expect you'd actually think I wasn't gonna leave. I understand you young people, contrary to what you believe. You like your privacy when your with your loved ones. I'll be leaving now."

Flin exits your room. Technoblade and Dream stand up pulling you to your feet. They guide you over to your bed. They sit down and you sit down beside them. You lean against Technoblade's shoulder and close your eyes. You feel him and Dream wrap their arms around you, as you extend your wings slightly and wrap them around the three of you.

Dream lays his head on your shoulder and Technoblade lays his head on top of yours. Your almost asleep when you feel someone pick you up. Alarmed, your eyes fly open. Technoblade was asleep next to you and Dream was the one who picked you up.

"Oh I didn't realize you were awake. I was just gonna move you two into a more comfortable position on the bed." You nod and lean you head into him. After he moves both you and Techno, Dream crawls into the bed.

He wraps his arms around your waist. You wrap your arms around Technoblade's chest and close your eyes. Dream nuzzles his head into your neck. You fall asleep to his warm breath on the back of your neck.

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