Chapter 3

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You wake up, hearing something move. You shoot up into a sitting position, your eyes opening. You see two men standing over you. Both with their hands on a weapon. One was wearing a green hoodie with the hood up, dark blue jeans and a white mask and the other was wearing the clothes of a nobleman with a crown and was a piglin-human halfling. Terror crawls onto your face.

"Don't hurt me please. I'll do anything just don't send me back to the lab!" you cry through the tears from your memories of the lab. They look down at you and remove their hands from their weapons.

The one with a mask kneels in front of you. He removes his mask. You see kind green eyes, light brown hair and a light tan face with freckles. You move backwards away from the man.

"Hey! Hey look we're not going to hurt you," he said removing his axe and throwing it behind him, "now could you tell us, what makes you think we would send you to a lab?" You stand up and the man follows. You drop you cloak, revealing everything about you. Your wings, your tail.

"Wow ok. So what are you?" the piglin-halfling asked, his voice was deeper than the man's. You picked up your cloak and saw that there was a cape underneath it. After you put your cloak on you held out the cape. The halfling picked it up.

"I'm an experiment gone wrong. I was fused of many different creatures DNA during a lightning storm. I'm made up of Enderman, Pillager, Evoker, Iron Golem, Wolf, Human, Ravager, Zombie, Ghast, Piglin, and Ender Dragon."

"Ok... well my name is Dream and this is Technoblade. What's yours." You look at the two men.

"Y/N. My name is Y/N," you say looking into Technoblade's eyes. They were a dark red with hints of pink.

"Why were those people chasing you?" Dream asked. You looked down at your hands and conjured fire balls in them. You then lifted yourself off the ground with your wings and turn your head to the sky, releasing your dragon's breath. Then you drop to the ground but stop yourself using magic. You teleport behind Dream and Technoblade, summoning Vexs.

"This is why. This is why they want me. They want my power!" you scream, "why they want to control me. Why they want my child," you say the last part with a hushed voice. Technoblade came up to you.

"Your child? You're a mother!?" he exclaimed. You shake your head. Tears started forming in your eyes. They looked at you confused.

"I am supposed to have a child in two years. When I was 5, the scientists told me that I was able to reproduce without anyone else. That I was due to have a baby in about 18 years. When I created my own child without a male counterpart it would take years for me to have it because of the Ender Dragon DNA in me. They did tell me it would only take months for me to produce a child if I had a male counterpart. So I escaped first chance I got. They had started creating the strongest male hybrids and halflings they could. They even tried to get me to have another child, only to learn that I could not once I had produced a fertile egg in myself. It's been developing ever since. I can't go back there. Not when I'm so close to having them," you say as tears spill and your legs collapse from beneath you.

Technoblade and Dream both knelt beside you. You look at them and stand up. They follow.

"I need to get home. I can't stay out in the open like this."

"Let me and Techno escort you back to your house. It will be no problem and we can keep you safe." You look at the kindness and generosity in his face and nod.

"Ok. Grab your stuff. Do you care if you leave your horses behind?" you ask pointing your the two horses they had tied to trees.

"No we don't really mind leaving them. I'll remove their things. Dream, you gather the things." Dream nods and quickly puts their things into two bags. They quickly returned to your side.

"Ok. So in order for me to do this I need the three of us to make a circle," you say as the other two create the circle, "ok now I'll teleport us to my house." You looked at them and the your scleras turn purple. Suddenly your outside your house.

Then Technoblade and Dream look down at the ground. Both then look back at you.

"Umm... could we uhh... stay here for the night we don't really have a place to stay," Dream said looking back at the ground embarrassed. You nod.

"Yes though I hope you don't mind the cramped guest rooms. I was preparing them for my child when I have them and any one else I might have stay."

Technoblade and Dream smile at you as you lead them to their rooms. You say good night and make your way ip to your room. You sit on your bed and pull the dagger you keep underneath your pillow out. As you lay down you wonder where Dream and Technoblade came from.

Then sleep came. It took you back to when you were about 6 years old. You were being tied down in a frigid room. The scientists were poking and prodding you. They drew blood and ran tests on it. You tried to break through your restraints but couldn't. Then suddenly everything changed. You were a few years older than you currently were. You wore torn and raged clothing.

A small child ran around you. They looked exactly like you, except that their hair was black with streaks of white and purple. Then the scientists came in and grab the child. You rushed forward but you couldn't grab them. Soon the child was taken out of the room and you started weeping.

You wake up in a cold sweat. You could see the sun starting to rise in the distance. You grab your crossbow and jump off the edge. You soar down into the woods. You shoot a deer and bring it back to the outpost. As your cutting up the meat and preparing breakfast and noise behind you startles you.  You quickly grab a knife off the counter and spin around, pinning the blade right on the person's neck.

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