Chapter 8

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You wake in a warm bed. Shooting up you find Technoblade sitting on the foot of the bed you're in and Dream leaning against the wall. Dream and Technoblade's head turn towards you at the slightest detection of motion.

You're up. Glad to see your ok. You've been out for two days," Dream says. You nod and look around. You recognize your surroundings. This is the bunker Flin put in for you. In case you ever needed to lay low and you made it to the village.

The trapdoor opens and Flin climbs down carting three bowls of soup and some bandages. You look down at your wrists and see bandages covering your cuts.

"Y/N! Your awake. I was worried about you child. What happened that caused those wounds. These two haven't spoken a word since I brought you here. Heck, I don't even know their names," Flin says as he starts laughing. You let out a small giggle and revive glares from both Dream and Technoblade.

"Their my friends, Flin. I won't tell you their names, unless they tell you themselves. What happened to my wrists, I kinda was a hanging from them for seven hours. Also thank you for letting my friends stay," you say. Flin nods and hands a bowl of soup each to Dream and Techno. He then hands you one and sets the bandages on your bed.

"Ok but how did you even get yourself into a situation where your hanging by your wrists for seven hours." You bite your lower lip and scratch the back of your head.

"There were some bounty hunters after me. And they hung me by my wrists so I wouldn't escape. They also captured these two in order to keep me from escaping because their my friends."

Flin nods and heads back to the trapdoor. He heads up the ladder and closes the trapdoor behind him. Dream and Technoblade come over to where you sat. Dream grabbed your wrists gently and removed your old bandages. He carefully put on new ones after observing your wounds. Techno however sat next to you and put his arm around you.

"Dream. Techno. After we leave the village are you guys still going to stay with me or will you leave to avoid Sam and his group? I understand if you leave, you'd be doing it to protect me..." you trail off as you look into their faces.

"Y/N, we're not going to leave you but we will have to find a new place to live. I think we might be able to return to the outpost and get some supplies," Dream says as he settles next to you and puts his arm around you.

"That's the thing, I might be able to make the outpost invisible. I can put a shield around and make it impossible to find unless you know where to look. So it should actually be safe to live in," you say. Dream and Techno nod. You all settle down on the bed.

You fall asleep in between Technoblade and Dream. When you awake you gently sit up to avoid waking them up. However they both wake up after you sit up. They both follow you up.

You then hear a very small sound come from upstairs. Your head shoots up. You take in a familiar scent and you emit a low growl.

"It's Sam. I can smell him from here. He's found us somehow. We need to hide. Now," you say as you hear footsteps aproching the trapdoor. Grabbing Dream and Techno, you make yourself and them invisible.

Sam bursts into the hidden room. Followed by a bloodied Flin shoved by Sapnap. Flin's face brightens when he sees no one in the room. Sam turns to Flin and throws the old man onto the floor in front of you.

"I thought you said they were in here. Y/N must've teleported them out of here. I'd fucking kill her if there wasn't such a large bounty on her head. I suppose I'll have to settle for Technoblade's head in this case. Dream has way to much to answer for."

Sam grabs Flin's hair and shoves his face into the floorboards. He drops Flin and steps towards the trapdoor.

"We'll leave him in here. He can stay in here until he decides to tell us where they are. Let's go!" Sam shouts as he's followed by Sapnap. You hear a click from above you signaling that it was locked. Slowly you release the spell around you and the boys.

"Flin, are you ok?" you ask. Flin's eyes grow wide when he sees you.

"Holy shit. Why are you still here? You need to leave before they come back. Go! Please Y/N I won't let them take you," Flin's eyes fill with tears as you pull him into a hug. "I know we're not blood related but you've been like a granddaughter to me. I can't see them hurt you, so please go."

Tears were spilling down your cheeks as you nodded. You pull apart and go over to Technoblade and Dream.

"Take care of her. I don't want anything to happen to her. Please keep her safe and away from those scientists."

Dream and Techno nod but then an idea pops into your head.

"Come with us Flin. I've got space in my outpost and we can build you your own house out in the woods by it. I can't let you stay here and take the punishment. I have a plan to hide my outpost, so please come with us," you say hoping Flin agrees. His face softens at your kindness.

He nods and you pull him over to where Dream and Techno stood. You pull all of them into a circle and teleport out of there. You teleport about a week and a half walk between your outpost and the village. You let go of them as you collapse to the ground.

Technoblade helps you back to your feet. As you try to stand, you start to collapse again. Technoblade catches you and pulls you close, so you can use him to help you stand.

You look at Dream and Technoblade. They were your friends. Not just allies or protectors, but your friends. This time your able to stand on your own.

"Ok guys we're gonna have to steal horses if we want to make it to the outpost quickly. There is a farm with horses not to far from here. We'll steal four but at times you might have to guide mine. I can always fly and scout ahead to make sure the path is safe."

They nod and you lead the way to the farm. Quietly you go and get four horses with Dream and Technoblade. Dream picks out a black horse, that's a dark as midnight. Technoblade gets a grey horse, like the color of storm clouds. You get Flin a white horse with a black spot on its forehead. The horse you select is a beautiful chestnut color, with a large white spot on its left side.

You all quickly mount your horses as you take off. But as you leave the farm you here a cry. A man was yelling at you and he held a sharp axe as he chased after you. Soon the four of you disappear and the man's yells fade into nothing.

You all ride through the night and don't stop until noon the next day. You extend your wings and take off. About 20 minutes later you land with some fish in hand. Dream and Technoblade were leaning against trees sleeping and Flin sat against one asleep. You quickly build a fire and cook the fish. As the fish starts to cook the three men start to wake up from the aroma.

"Good you guys are finally awake. Your lucky I wasn't gone long, otherwise you all could've been captured in your sleep," you taunt. Embarrassed looks hope onto Dream and Technoblade's faces. Flin just shrugs and laughs at the two young men. You pull the fish off of the sticks you were cooking them on and hand one to Dream, Technoblade and Flin. You take one and then rest are split between you, Dream and Technoblade.

You all mount your horses and continue on your way. It took half a day and then your group finally made it to the outpost. As you arrive you tie your horse to a fence post and quickly extend your wings. As Dream and Techno realizes what your doing, you fly up to the top of your outpost.

Outstretching your arms you begin your spell. Quickly your energy begins to drain. As the spell begins to finish you feel darkness trying to consume your conscious. You fight it until your see the flash of vibrant colored light. Blues, greens, purples, reds fill the sky and then disappeared. The spell was completed. The lights wouldn't be visible during the day, but during the night they would fill the sky with their light.

All of a sudden you feel nauseous and dizzy. You hear the trapdoor to the roof of the outpost open. A shout but you couldn't hear the words. As you collapse you see Dream and Technoblade. One of them catches you. You feel their warmth and then the darkness takes over your vision. You hear a whisper in your ears and feel someone take both your hands in theirs as they cradled you, before you're completely unconscious.

"Don't leave us Y/N. We'll keep keep you safe. Protect you. We love you, Y/N."

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