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It is now Saturday night. His parents were out on a date so he thought now was the perfect time to sneak out.

Katsuki left a note left to go to his future workplace. After a long train ride he was finally at the place.

Katsuki: "I think this is the place." he said softly to himself.

Katsuki walked in and told the bouncer that he had and interview for a job. The bouncer let him in and Katsuki was stunned by how the place looked.

Katsuki: "Wow this club is huge. The bar looks beautiful and there are a bunch of strippers." he thought to himself. I definitely can't get caught working here." he said softly.

Hannah: "Are you Katsuki Bakugo?" the lady said to him.

Katsuki: "Yes are you Hannah?" he asked.

Hannah: "Yes I am. Follow me so we can do your interview." she said before leading him to her office.

Both of them enter the office and sit down across from each other.

Hannah: "This interview is going to be short and simple." she said with a straight face. "First off you are too young, so explain to me why you need this job." she asked.

Katsuki sighed hoping he didn't have to explain his reasons, but he knows he has to so he could get the job.

Katsuki: "About 11 months ago my boyfriend got caught up in a villain attack which put him in a coma. And before you say something about why am I doing this for my boyfriend. I would like to say that my boyfriend is my childhood best friend that I've known my whole life, so he is different from some  high schooler that I just met.

I wouldn't be looking for a job, but my boyfriends mom just died a couple weeks ago, so now my parents are going to need help with the bills. They don't know about this, so I would like to keep it a secret." he said with softly.

Hannah: "Poor kid." she thought to herself. "I will give you a job as a bar tender and a sweeper." she said.

Katsuki eyes lit up like fireworks after hearing that.

Katsuki: "Thank you so much." he said happily.

Hannah had a small smile on her face knowing that she just helped a kid with money problems.

Katsuki went home in joy knowing nothing could mess up his night. After he went home he noticed that the house was still empty.

Katsuki say in the living and waited for hours until the house phone rang. He picked up the phone confused on why someone is calling so late.

??: "Is this the Bakugou residence?" the person asked.

Katsuki: "Yea, why are you calling so late?" he responded.

??: "Well I regret to inform you, but your parents passed away in a car accident." the man said before hanging up.

Katsuki just froze with tears flowing out his eyes.

Katsuki: "Why! Why! Why!" he yelled. "Why must this happen to me! First Deku, the auntie, and now my parents!" he sobbed.

After an hour of crying he decided to reserve a plot next to Inko's grave so they could all be buried together.

The next day Katsuki went to his parents funeral.  It was short and sweet just like Inko's.

Katsuki immediately started to pack his parents and Inko's things into a storage locker because he knew that he was going to move out. He didn't have enough money for such a nice house so he has to sell it.

Katsuki spent his Sunday selling his house, packing up things into a storage locker, and finding a new apartment.

When the day was almost done he quickly rushed to the hospital to visit his boyfriend.

Nurse Joy:  "Hey Katsuki. You sam late today" she said with a questioning look.

Katsuki: "Well my parents died in a car accident last night, so I had the funeral today. I also moved all of our things into a storage locker because I am selling the house. I also spent my time buying a cheap apartment." he said sadly.

Nurse Joy had tears in her eyes after hearing what he said. She pulled him into a hug knowing that he probably need one. Her shirt slowly started to get with tears.

Katsuki: "Why does my life suck. Why does everyone keep getting taken away from me?" he asked

Nurse Joy: "I don't know honey. I don't know." she said softly.

Katsuki finished crying and made his way to Izuku's room.

Katsuki: "Hey Deku I have some bad news." he said sadly. "Well you see yesterday my parents died in a car accident, so I guess it's only me and you. Please don't leave me. Please survive. I can't lose you too." he said while sobbing. "Izuku please, please wake up." he said but something surprised him. "Izuku did you just move your finger? Do you hear me!" he cry's with a smile.

He immediately pushed the nurse button and Nurse Joy rushed in.

Nurse Joy: "Katsuki what happened." she said out of breath.

Katsuki: "Deku moved his finger." he cried.

Nurse Joy: "What? Are you sure?" she said surprisingly.

Katsuki nodded furiously not caring how dumb he looks. Nurse Joy smiled and got the doctor.

Doctor: "What were you doing when he move his finger." the doctor asked while looking at his clipboard.

Katsuki: "Well I was crying about how my parents died yesterday and then I started to beg him to wake up because I can lose him, because if I did then I'd be alone. While I was holding his hand and I felt something slightly wrap around around my finger. When U looked down I saw his pinky slightly curled on mine." he explained while smiling.

Doctor: "Well I'm sorry for you lose, but on the bright side it seems like your friend here has a higher chance of waking up. I think he finally has made some progress." he smile towards the blonde before walking out.

Katsuki spent the rest of the day in the hospital room. His bad day turned amazing in an instant.

Katsuki: "Izuku please keep fighting." he said while looking at the picture frame in his room. He put it down and went to bed.

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