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Aizawa: "Today we will be going on a field trip to USJ." he said to the class tiredly.

The class started to get excited thinking that they are going to Universal Studios of Japan, but their cheers were cut off by Aizawa.

Aizawa: "We aren't going to a theme park, we are going to a training center that UA built. The center deals with training for disasters." he says, which made all the kids sign and quiet down.

Katsuki: "Idiots for thinking that we were going to a theme park." he muttered under his breath.

The class got changed into their hero outfits and hopped on the bus. Katsuki just sat quiet by the window not paying attention to anyone around him.

Kirishima: "Yo Bakubro, why aren't you talking to anyone?" he asked his friend next to him.

Katsuki: "Because I don't want to shitty hair." he replied.

Tsuyu: "Bakugo I am a person that always says stuff that is on my mind. You always say that you will be the number one hero, but with that attitude. Do you really think you can be number one?" she asked.

The bus got quiet waiting for his answer. Katsuki smirked to himself and then responded.

Katsuki: "Endeavor has a shitty attitude and personality but he made it to number 2. The only reason he isn't number one is because All Might is OP." he said which made everyone nod agreeing that he has a point. "Plus what does the way I treat you guys have to do with the hero rankings when we're pros?" he asked.

Tsuyu: "Oh it doesn't, I was just curious." she said before turning to her friend. The bus was still quiet after that interaction.

Kirishima: "Yo bro why do you want to become a hero?" he asked him.

Katsuki: "Thats nom of your business." he replied coldly which caught the attention of everyone.

Uraraka: "Jeez no need to be cold. He was just asking a question." she said while shaking her head in disapproval.

Katsuki scoffed and looked back out the window and admired the scenery.

After 30 minutes the class arrived at USJ.

Everything that happened at USJ is canon.

The next day Iida had an idea for the class.

Iida: "Guys let's go visit the hospital to check on Aizawa sensei." he recommends.

Denki: "I'm coming!" he said excitedly.

Uraraka: "Me too!" she said with a smile.

The whole class agreed to go check on their teacher. They bought him flowers and a get well soon card that they all signed.

While they were walking towards the hospital Katsuki tensed up.

Katsuki: "Shit why are we at this hospital." he thought to himself. "I have to text Nurse Joy." he got out his phone and texted the nurse to act like she doesn't know him.

The class got to the hospital and was greeted by Nurse Joy.

Iida: "Good Evening Ma'am we would like to visit our teacher." he said politely.

Nurse Joy: " What is the teachers name?" she asked.

Iida: "Shota Aizawa." he replied

Nurse joy: "He is in room 300." she said before signaling the class to the elevator.

Iida: "thank you." he said while bowing

Nurse Joy: "I guess Katsuki doesn't want his class to know about Izuku. I hope he is making some friends." she thought to herself.

The class walked up to Aizawa's room and knocked on the door.

Aizawa: "Come in!" he yelled from the bed.

The class slowly started to enter the room with smiles on their faces.

Aizawa: "What are you guys doing here?" he said with an annoyed face.

Mina: "We wanted to come visit and see how you were doing." she said excitedly.

Uraraka: "Don't worry we won't stay too long." she said. Aizawa sighed in response and let them stay.

After about 10 minutes of talking mg the class decided it was time to leave. Everyone in the class started to walk out but Katsuki was the only one that stayed.

Kirishima: "Yo bakubro are you coming?" he asked.

Katsuki: "No I'm staying here for while more. Just leave without me."

Kirishima: "Why are you staying?" he asked

Katsuki: "None of your concern just leave." Katsuki said in a cold tone.

Kirishima sighed and left to catch up with the rest of the class.

Aizawa: "Now why is my most troublesome yet favorite student staying here?" he asked.

Kastuki: "I needed a break from those extras. Always loud and cheerful, I hate it." he said.

Aizawa: "But why stay here? Why not go home?" he asked.

Katsuki: "Well if I left with them, the so called bakusquad would've annoyed me to hang out." he replied clearly showing that he was annoyed.

Aizawa chuckled to himself. "Why do you want to be the number one hero so bad?" he asked his student.

Katsuki started to feel anger in his stomach. "Why does everyone ask that. Everyone has their reasons, to be a hero and it's no one's business what mines is." he said before getting up and leaving the room.

Aizawa: "This child doesn't seem to open up." he said sadly to himself

Katsuki made his way to Izuku's room, so he could calm down. He walked in and saw that his boyfriend was the same the last time he saw him.

Katsuki: "Izuku please wake up." he said while grabbing his hand. "Today my class got attack by villians. My teacher eraserhead is in the same hospital as you." he said to his boyfriend. "I wish I was there to save you." he cried softly before leaving the hospital and going home.

Katsuki greeted his parents and went to his room.

Katsuki: "It's time to look for a job." he said to himself before opening his laptop.

He spent hours on his laptop trying to find a job that would be perfect in his situation. After a few hours he finally found somewhere.

Katsuki: "Hmm I'm not old enough, but this place pays well. I hope they hire me." he said with a smirk.

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