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Days passed and you had your father visiting you one day along with your siblings, in the afternoon.

You: Hey, they are coming today!!

Katsuki: Okay look. I'm happy you'll get to see your family after a long time and all but bitch shut up. You have been telling me about them for three days now! So stop before I actually kill you!!

You: One, you can't kill me because, like you said, I'm a bitch. And second, you can't stop me because I'm happy!! It's been almost three weeks since I last saw them... I can barely stay still...

He would never say it but he was happy to see you this excited... Being in a place like this, he knew both of you were just wearing a smile and breaking into pieces on the inside... That's just how was... This disease breaks you inside out... So seeing a genuine smile, made him happy. And why did it make him happy? Because unknowingly he had fallen for you. Your constant joy and sometime sassy attitude had hooked onto him. The way you spoke to him so openly about anything and accepted anything he had to say showed how genuine and accepting you were and he felt secure with you. And now that he knew that he liked you, he was going to live without you knowing about it...


Nurse: (y/n), your family is here.

The nurse helps you to come out of bed and takes you to the visitor room.

Dad: (the man had tears in his eyes which upon seeing his daughter, could not stop. His beautiful angel looked so fragile and pale, as if if he dares to touch, she might fall into pieces...) (y/n)! I'm so happy to see you! I'm so sorry I could not come to see you sooner...

You: Dad!! I'm so glad you are here! I missed you so much!! (You couldn't hold back your tears either. It had been weeks since you'd met.) Nina!! Irena!! You guys came too!!

Nina and Irena were your younger twin sisters who you would die for. The three of them  were basically crushing you with their hugs but you didn't want it any other way.

Nina: Sis!! I missed you so much! You've grown thinner... Are you still not well enough...?

Irena: You should really learn when to say what Nina!! Sis, don't listen to her. Tell me, are you feeling better?

Even though they were twins, Irena was always more mature and you often questioned where that came from. You certainly were not when you were 15...

You: Yeah! I know I look really bad but I'm actually feeling better. I think the treatment is working.

Irena: That's good to hear. Any idea on when you will be able to come back home?

You: Not really...

Nina: Hey sis! You probably didn't hear but remember that essay competition I had participated in?

You: The national one which you had trouble with?

Nina: Yeah, yeah. Guess what, I got first prize!!! They will send the prize and certificate to the school and they will award it during the school festival in front of everyone!! They can't give me now since it's very close to exams....

You: You got first prize!?! Oh my god!! Why didn't you tell me sooner!? Oh my god! Congratulations!!

Irena was glad that Nina chose the right time to change the subject which made her sister joyous. And while they merrily talked, she turned to her father and asked quietly.

Irena: Is it true dad? Is she really getting better?

Dad: Yes. The doctors said that she is responding well and even though it's very risky... it should heal her entirely with this treatment. But she'll be getting weaker and weaker as it progresses... Let's hope she holds on tell ends and she can walk out of here healthy.

The words sounded so heavy as if he was trying to gain some confidence with his own words. Irena, however was not like that. She had more conviction than anyone that (y/n) will come out of this.

Irena: She will. My sister is the toughest of them all. She will come back to us healthy.


Another few weeks later:

Katsuki and you were having a hard time coping with the treatment. Especially Katsuki but he wouldn't let you know.

You: Promise me, when we get out of here, you will become a chef and gain enough strength so that we can go paragliding.

Katsuki: (will I be able to do that...?) Who do you think I am?! Of course I'll have strength. I have it right now. You better get strong soon so that you can travel and join me in paragliding.

You: Its a promise. We will travel the world together.

Katsuki: .....

You: Hey. Join me in in world travel okay? I'm not sure how far my friends will go but I really want you to come Katsuki...

Katsuki: (don't talk like that dumbass...) Why me so particularly? Have you fallen for me (y/n)?~

You: (chuckle) Maybe~

Neither of you had the heart to say it but both had fallen for each other. Staying up in painful nights, listening to music or simply others voice made a difference for them both and they recognised it, just didn't have the courage to acknowledge it out loud. So they promised themselves that they would confess once they were cured.


Time passed and the obvious became evident. (y/n) had recovered a lot and would get discharged soon. Your family and friends were beyond happy. They quickly made plans for you and visited you frequently.

Katsuki, on the other day deteriorated suddenly with negligible chance of survival. While he accepted the inevitable and smiled at you, you almost prayed that it was you on deathbed instead... His parents visited him daily, as did the his friends. None had dry eyes and he didn't stop or shout at them any longer. He didn't have the strength... And sometimes, even he had tears roll down his cheeks...

You were discharged but you visited everyday, just like his family. You stayed the entire visiting hours and sometimes even the night.

And one day, he did not wake up.

That day, all your conversations, all the silent warmth replayed I'm your mind tens of hundreds of times and silent tears streamed down uncontrollably. The words that came the loudest was a promise made in the last few days. A promise that you were determined to keep. A promise that pushed you to get strong and independent soon. A promise that became your very reason to move forward.

Katsuki: (y/n) listen. Don't forget your promise, okay? Live... For both of us... Live...

Dreams and Promises [Bakugou Katsuki x F!Reader] <short-story>Where stories live. Discover now