Chapter Twenty Five: Fortunate Son

Start from the beginning

In the trenches their rifles aim at the field as they see a full Scorn force charge at them. each soldier is trained and equipped with a Scout rifle (Call to Serve) The Right Weapon of The Free World.
Zhou Yu: "why are we not shooting yet?"
Raiden: "wait for it." he turn an saw Nikolai holding a detonator in hand as he watch and wait for the Scorn mass to get closer and pass by an small white flag ahead and when they did he pressed the button that turn the fields into a sea of fire before they open fire at the burning Scorn.
Raiden: "Vanguard Fan this is Noble Six, Scorn are attacking Firebase Cali, Northern sector need armor asap!"
Echo: "Guardian Raiden this is Echo, Armor is are on the way, hold your ground."
Raiden: "copy that, hold fast!"
???: "Scorn are in the trenches!"

A few Scorn manage to breach through their defenses and cause mayham in the lines.
Raiden: "shit, Niko, Zhou Yu with me!"
Zhou Yu: "now you order me!?"
Niko: "just go damn it!"

Together they push further through the trenchs finding solders using their bayonets, rifle butts and any melee weapon to fight off the Scorn infiltrators. one of them fighting was Shangxiang pulling a bayonet by kicking the Raider away.
Zhou Yu: "princess what are doing here?"
Shangxiang: "i was here by the request of my brother."
Raiden: "better then nothing, you're with Niko."
Zhou Yu: "Raiden you are pushing too far-"
Shangxiang: "finally someone accepts me."
Niko: " just keep up and close alright."
she gladly follows The Guardians to clear the trench as Zhou Yu gave up and join to fill in the gap now that the Tanks arrive as support shooting their Heat Rounds a missile Barrages at the advancing Scorn. later Caiatl's fleet arrive and drop bombs on the Scorn until they had enough and possibly retreating back to Hefei.

After the battle the defenders climb to the top and finish off the stragglers as they scan the field littered with dead burning Corpses.
Shangxiang: "did we win?"
Raiden: "this is just a beginning." A Hawk hovers above ground near the three and Lianshi dismounts before the Hawk left. She wears a new armor set she earn from Trials of Osiris but kept the Tiger Cloak with her Jade Rabbit holstered on her back.
Shangxiang: "Lianshi!" upon getting closer they all were covered in black soot and ! few small cuts.
Lianshi: "oh my gosh what happen to you guys?"
Niko: "the Scorn will do that to you."
Zhou Yu: "Lady Bu we manage to fend off the Scorn still have a large presence in... Hefei."
Lianshi completely ignored him which he was taken aback at first as she and Shangxiang walk away talking together leaving Raiden and Nikolai with him.
Niko: "welp that's a first."
Zhou Yu: "i never seen her act like that before as if she is treating me like a stranger." he looked at him with distrust.
Zhou Yu: "what did you do?"
Raiden: "i what?"
Zhou Yu: "don't lie to me, what did you Guardians do to those who become one of you?"
Raiden looked at Nikolai who was just confused as him.
Raiden: "where is this going again?"
Zhou Yu: "there must be something you people do?"
Raiden: "hold that thought, Echo you copy..."

As Raiden walk away from him, Zhou Yu clutch his fist into a ball getting noticed from Nikolai who just face the other way as if he didn't see anything.
Niko: (what is wrong with him now?)

Afternoon/Raiden's POV

Returning from Firebase Cali he took his time going through town seeing the activities are normal as the people roam around the shops and vendors selling their finest wares and items to the population.
Dubs: "thinking what im thinking?"
Raiden: "no."
Dubs: "i suggest you buy something for the Madam."
Raiden: "like what?"
???: "a beautiful pendant sent here by Yue merchants."
Lu Su was there to meet with Raiden.
Raiden: "what kind of pendant?"
Lu Su: "merchants from the Southern Yue has brought in rare pendants made of jade, they are quite beautiful."
Raiden: "Yue... Vietnam?"
Lu Su: "uh no, Southern Yue."
Raiden: "in English translation Yue is Vietnam."
Lu Su: "En- English?"
Raiden: "never mind, where's that shop?"
Lu Su: "this way." Raiden follows Lu Su to a shop where they were greeted by the owner.
???: "ah welcome Master Lu Su."
Lu Su: "greetings shop keeper, i heard you just receive pendants from Yue."
???: "ah yes from the Southern Yue, these are beautiful Pendants made of pure Jade." he left for a moment and came back with a small chest and open to show three pendants, one a Phoenix, the second a Dragon and lastly a Bull.

???: "which one will you choose?"
Lu Su: "oh it is for the Guardian here, please Raiden choose as you wish."
Raiden: "ok?"

He approach the chest and thought of it which will fit to Wenji's expectations.
meanwhile Lu Su watches intensely to see what Raiden will take and report it to Zhou Yu.
When The Guardian hover his hand over the Dragon pendant Lu Su held his breath till he picks up the Bull pendant.
Raiden: "this one looks neat."
Lu Su: "are you sure?"
Raiden: "yeah?"
Lu Su: "why not the Dragon?"
Raiden: "because it's over used and i seen them so much in your arts and crafts it's hurting my brain thinking about it."
Lu Su: "well then... allow me to-"
Raiden: "here." He gave five Strange Coins to the Shopkeeper who picked up one of the coins and inspects it before he smiles and bows.
???: "thank you Guardian but... i would reject odd objects but these are... very strange... i can feel it too."
Raiden: "now you know why it's called a Strange Coin, thank you."

After he purchase the pendant he left without Lu Su who sighs and bid farewell to the Shopkeeper before leaving and trying to catch up to Raiden but was nowhere to be seen.
Lu Su: "where did he go?"

(TimeSkip Afternoon/Wenji's POV)

Meanwhile at the Guest House with rain pouring down, Wenji sat at a table writing down on a scroll while listening to Raiden's MP3 Player through his earbuds to learn a bit more about him. she listens to his perfered songs in his playlist but notice there was another playlist that belongs to a "Kai's" file.
Curious she starts listening to those songs and instead on continuing to write she stopped upon listening to this singer.

Cai Wenji: (this voice... the music sounds... nice and deep.) out of nowhere a pair of large hands cover her eyes.

Cai Wenji: "huh?"
Raiden: "surprise, got you something." he remove his hands and shows her a Jade pendant which she was unfamiliar with the animal that is carved beautifully.
Cai Wenji: "this is beautiful where did you get this?"
Raiden: "Lu Su recommend me to buy a pendant and saw this and just came here from Vietnam... or Southern Yue."
Cai Wenji: "what is it about?"
Raiden: "hm?"
Cai Wenji: "i mean what is on this pendant?"
Raiden: "it's a Bull, they're hard workers and won't disappoint you."
Cai Wenji: "is it true?"
Raiden: "you never seen a Bull work in the fields?"
Cai Wenji: "yes i do... say do you know who this belongs so?"

She shows Raiden the "Kai's" file which he sighs and sat next to her.
Raiden: "it belongs to a old friend."
Cai Wenji: "so this is his property?"
Raiden: "was... her property." He picked Wenji up and carry her to their bed where he put her on the bed where he remove his armor and crawl on the bed as Wenji crawled back a bit till he was on top of her and made eye contact. at first this move made Wenji a bit nervous as it is to be her first time of this soon to be exotic intercourse.
Cai Wenji: (are we going to...) Unexpectedly Raiden took a earbud from her and wears it then replayed the same song before laying his head below her chest and slept there.
Cai Wenji: "Eugene?"
Raiden: "i haven't slept for a week..." With a smile she comb his hair which gave Raiden comfort as they listening to those songs together and finally falling asleep...


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