Two Clueless Idiots 🍋

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"Why did he leave?" you wondered. He had no reason to be in your hallway other than to see you, but why did he run off? You then thought back to what Sasha said about Levi looking upset when you had kissed Eren. Was he jealous? Hurt? There was no way. He had no reason to be jealous. "Holy shit." you thought, eyes widening in realization. You were so blinded by your own insecurities to realize that maybe Levi did have feelings for you, feelings beyond sex. You had no idea how long you'd been standing in the hallway, lost in thought, until Sasha poked her head out of your room.

"Hey Y/N! You coming? Mikasa's here too." she smiled.

"Shit, I'm so sorry, Sash. I think I fucked something up. I...I need to go fix it." you stammered.

"Levi?" she mouthed silently. You nodded. She turned her head to say something to Mikasa and then joined you in the hallway, shutting the door behind her.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I'm not really sure. I was just talking to Eren. He was really understanding about everything. But when we left his room I could see Levi down the hall, walking away. He was in a hurry. I think he thinks something's going on between me and Eren. You said he looked mad when I kissed Eren at the party, you weren't just saying that?"

"I wasn't. Y/N, I'm positive that's the only reason he joined the game." Sasha said, her voice full of certainty. You were then brought back to that night, remembering how Levi was completely opposed to the group's exploits and then, out of nowhere, joined.

"It's just...he hasn't said anything about actually wanting to be with me."

"You guys are fucking ridiculous." Sasha rolled her eyes. "Go. I can guarantee you; he has feelings for you. I know he thinks he's being subtle, but anytime he isn't giving instructions in training, he's staring at you." You wrapped your arms around your friend and whispered a quick thanks in her ear.

"You guys underestimate me. I'm way smarter than you give me credit for!" she laughed. You let your friend go and ran towards Levi's office, your heart pounding. You arrived at his door and knocked urgently. No answer. You knocked again and still, no black-haired man hungrily pulling you into his room. You turned the knob, but it was locked. You then lowered yourself to the ground, knees pressed into the hardwood floor. You peered under his door and noticed that there was no light shining through.

"Shit." you said out loud. You were still kneeling on the ground, cheek pressed against the floor trying to get a better look when you felt something tap your shoulder. You yelped and whipped your head around to see who or what touched you.

"If you're looking for shorty, he's on the roof." Hange stood behind you, giving you a sincere smile with dirt smudged on their nose and forehead.

"Thanks!" you got up and started to leave.

"Shorty's going to be livid when he sees your pants." they chuckled. You looked down and noticed some discolouration on them from kneeling on the floor. You started wiping the dirt off with your hands.

"I'm sure he wouldn't be too pleased that you have dirt on your face." you laughed, knowing Hange had a good sense of humour and wouldn't take any offence.

"I was gardening! That's a much better use of one's time than spying under people's doors." they joked in return. You smiled at them and hurried off on your mission to find Levi. You located the stairs that led to the rooftop and began to climb upwards. You were a little winded by the time you made it to the top and reached for the door.

Levi hadn't been sitting on the rooftop for very long. He needed to figure out what he wanted to say to you, and this was the only place he would get the peace and quiet to do that. "Maybe it was just a platonic hug." he thought, but then insecurity crept back in. "Why would she tell me she was spending time with Sasha, if she was really with Eren." He looked down to the small bouquet of flowers he was holding. After seeing you hug Eren, he returned to his room, only to be interrupted by Hange.

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