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You were sitting at your usual table with your friends. Sasha was shoving as much food into her mouth as she could before she and Armin had to clean the kitchen after dinner.

"I need the sustenance, Y/N." Sasha said as she reached over to your plate, trying to spear a piece of potato with her fork. You blocked her with your own fork.

"Hey! I need it too. I don't know what I'm in for with the captain!" you exclaimed, your nerves bubbling to the surface. You had just insulted him in a moment of frustration and were expecting the worst from Captain Levi. You had heard from other scouts how he is about cleaning. That man will not rest until every speck of dirt has been eradicated and he does not object to using violence to accomplish that. Apparently, the motto is, "Pain is the most effective form of discipline". You had no trouble imagining that coming from the captain's mouth. You were sure you were in form some pain, what with your inadequate cleaning skills and your comment about his height.

"It'll be ok, Y/N." Connie patted your shoulder. "We're in this together."

"I think the captain wants to be in something else." Jean said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ok what the fuck are you on about." you growled at Jean.

"Dunno, sounded good. He looked pretty invested in watching you bent over in front of him this morning." Jean shrugged. "Plus, I'll say whatever I can to diminish his credibility." he crossed his arms with confidence.

"Jean, he could quite literally murder you. Plus, you weren't so confident earlier when he gave you shit. Save your beef for someone you can handle like Yeager." you said, nodding to Eren.

"Hey!" Eren exclaimed. "I'm a literal titan! Jean is nowhere near my level." You chuckled at your friends as Jean reached over and flicked Eren's nose.

"Don't you start shit." Eren said, winding up to punch Jean.

"Hey! We are not spending the last slightly pleasant moment of our day fighting!" you grabbed Eren's arm, forcing him to lower it. You put your arm around him, trying to calm him down. Jean knew exactly how to bring the Eren rage to the surface.

"We're all friends here. Now let's have a pleasant dinner." you scolded, jokingly. Eren seemed to calm down at your touch.

Little did you know, Levi was watching you from his table. He couldn't shake how you spoke to him after training. He was conflicted. He was pissed that you had the nerve to insult him so casually but was impressed with your boldness.  He could tell that you had spirit and you seemed to be good at wrangling your obnoxious friends. A little too good by the looks of how you had your arm around Yeager's shoulders. Eren irritated him but unfortunately, he was an important player in what Erwin and Hange had planned. Levi shook his head, trying to extinguish these jealous thoughts. He barely knew you and Eren was probably more compatible with you anyways. Eren was open and friendly while Levi was cold and standoffish. Not the best way to be popular with the ladies. Plus, with his role in the scouts, he had no time to be bothered by some trivial little crush. You were still coming to his office later to clean, and he wouldn't mind having the company while he worked.

You and Connie made your way through the building towards the superiors' quarters. Connie was trying to crack a few jokes to calm both of your nerves. Who knew that on your first day as a scout you'd be getting this much personal time with your ill-tempered captain. You and Connie approached the end of the main hallway and turned to face the door that led to the superiors' quarters. You look at each other, grimacing. This is going to be a long night. You opened the door and it led you to yet another hallway with yet more doors. There were four and they were all labelled with names: "Erwin Smith", "Hange Zoë", "Miche Zacharius", and "Levi". It just said Levi. You rolled your eyes and scoffed. Yeah, he for sure seems like the type to be so aloof and indifferent that he wouldn't let anyone know any unnecessary information.

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