Name and Business 🍋

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This chapter is a bit longer than the last few. Enjoy ;)

"No way, Y/N! He's so mean though!" Sasha exclaimed in disbelief when you told her what your captain had done to you earlier.

"That's the thing. He's mean, but there's almost a tenderness behind it. I don't know how to describe it, but my god it was hot." you sighed.

"So where do you see this going?" Sasha asked, raising an eyebrow. You hadn't really had the chance to give it much thought. This had all happened so suddenly.

"I don't really know. I don't know if he just wants to hook up with me or if there's more to it." you shrugged. "It's honestly just been a nice distraction know." you said somberly. Sasha looked down and picked at some of the grass next to her, knowing exactly what you were referring to.

"Yeah... I guess that's just something we have to get used to." she whispered. You and Sasha both went silent, ending the lighter conversation from just before. You allowed your mind to wander back to that day in Trost. You had been pushing those thoughts down, hoping to distract yourself enough for the last two weeks. Thankfully, transitioning from the cadet corps to the scouts took most of your attention. And it worked for a little bit but, the day you were to move out of the cadets' barracks, you walked past Jean and Marco's room. Jean was sitting on Marco's bed, staring at his feet, nothing packed yet. He told you it didn't feel right to leave and that he couldn't just throw away Marco's belongings. You sat with him for a bit and helped him pack. Once you had gathered the few things that Marco had, you placed them in a box. Before leaving the cadet corps, you, Jean, and the others buried it. Marco's death was so unceremonious, he was one of the sweetest people you knew, and he deserved better. Since Marco's small memorial, you all seemed set on forgetting that living nightmare, but you knew deep down that there would be many days like that, or worse.

Throughout your childhood, your father would often need to leave for long periods of time to venture beyond the walls. When he returned, the light in his eyes would dim more and more each time, but through that darkness, his family was his small sliver of happiness. You hoped that you would someday find something that would bring you even the tiniest bit of joy in this shitty world.

"Hey, wanna go get dinner?" Sasha placed her hand on your knee and smiled gently, interrupting the dismal silence. You nodded and the two of you left for the dining hall. You grabbed your dinners and joined your friends at, what has become, your usual table. You definitely didn't mind that you got a pretty good view of Levi from it. You sat down next to Armin who was trying to diffuse an Eren/Jean argument. You smiled to yourself, grateful that you and your friends could still go back to normal, no matter how brief that normal was.

As soon as Eren noticed you had joined the group, he turned away from Jean and set his large emerald eyes on you.

"I can't believe Captain Levi sent me away from you. And just when things were about to get good!" he pouted.

"Yeah, why was the captain wanting to see you, Y/N?" Armin asked curiously.

"Um, he noticed I was struggling the most and wanted to show me some moves."

"I'll say." Sasha snorted, not quite loud enough for the rest to hear. You bit your lip, trying to contain your smile. Your eyes wandered over to his table. He was deep in conversation with Miche and Erwin. Your eyes scanned up his taut, muscular frame. He had changed out of his scouts' uniform and was now wearing a dark blue suit with a grey collared shirt. He was missing his signature cravat and had the top two buttons of his suit undone. You couldn't believe how it was possible for him to get any sexier, but that slight glimpse of his chest had you weak in the knees.

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