11. King Alexis (2)

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After King Alexis proclamation the crowd outside the palace, the commoners cheered they heard yet another miraculous tale that their wonderful hero has done. The noble who had mixed feelings about the situation could only shut up or cheer with the crowd.

Alberu who earned another head ache smiled angry tick marks also displayed on his bright face, King Alexis who was proud to deliver such news tried to go home because he was an unexpected visitor but Alberu let him stay until the celebration was over. 

The important figures on the second floor turned to the red head surrounded with mana preventing him from moving, it was actually Rosalyn's magic she felt that Raon might expose himself if he uses magic.

Cale who tried to escape was now being head by Ron on a different perspective it might seem that Ron is supporting the sweating and tired Cale but it was actually him prohibiting Cale from running again.

"Ron... can you really do this to your master?"

'Let me go! You vicious old man!!'

"Young master Cale its for your own good."

Ron didn't let go and instead walked towards the railing where the nobles can see.

The nobles were pesky flies to Cale some were decent but he usually ignored both but what he can't ignore is the Fiery glare that King Alberu was giving him.

'You are not going anywhere fucker!' Is what that glare screams.

And so the celebration went on till 9:00 the nobles went home, the crowed dispersed but the red head, his companions and some important figures stayed to have a chat with the new 10 year old King. They gathered around the first floor along with King Alberu who had a wide smile on his face.

"Though its late let me welcome you to the Roan Kingdom King Alexis."

"Thank you King Alberu, I apologize for coming in un-invited."

Cale who watched this interaction sigh he gave up there is no way Alberu would let information escape away from him specially that it was centered around that necklace. Cale removed Ron's hand from his arm.

"Lets get this over with."

Cale was standing at the balcony with invisible Raon plopped on the railing beside Cale, he was waiting for Alberu who threatened to give him a government position in the Kingdom. 


The white double doors slammed open Alberu walked in before the shutting the door with his feet.

"Raon, make it so that others can't hear." 

"Alright human!"

Alberu then stopped 3 feet away from Cale.

"Did you have fun?" Alberu asked smile of irritation visible on his face.

"Of course seeing the face of the Sun shone all the-"

"Shut it."

"Much obliged."

Alberu massaged his temples this man in front of him was so calm after flipping over a kingdom in a day.

"That necklace in the video was mine?"

"Yes." Cale nodded.

Alberu frowned even more as he took a seat in front of Cale.

"So you went to help a rebellion in exchange for this necklace only?"

"Yes your highness" Cale started to frown why is he asking such obvious questions?

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