chapter 9

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chapter 9


       I know I can't avoid my family forever on Christmas, no matter how much I want to. I'm just so sick of Albert constantly trying to one-up me and everyone letting him get away with it. There is no way my family don't realize what Albert does.

       I'm still not particularly happy at the way Albert has been treating Blue ever since my family arrived at the house for Christmas. He won't stop going on and on about how I was stupid enough to date a homeless man and how Blue is only dating me for my money.

       I don't want to blame Albert for the downfall of my and Blue's relationship, but it wouldn't have happened if Albert didn't stalk Blue around town and ratted his living situation out.

       My cell phone rings in my pocket, and I hesitate before grabbing it, knowing it's one of my parents who are calling. It's my mom, and I know I can't keep doing this, so I answer the call and hold it up to my ear. "Hello?"

       "Spiro, are you going to come home any time soon?" Mom asks. "Dinner is almost ready, and you've been gone for hours. I'm worried about you."

       "I'm fine." I debate whether or not I should tell my mom I still don't want to come home but in the end, I decide I should tell the truth. Or at least break it to her in a light way. "I'm just at the tree lighting ceremony on main street right now."

       Mom sighs. "Spiro, you know that always interferes with dinner. That's why we never go. You need to get home as soon as you can."

       "I don't need to do anything. I'm twenty-one. I can make my own decisions."


       I do feel a bit guilty from giving my mom attitude, so I immediately say, "Sorry, I didn't mean that. I'm just..." I groan, no longer wanting to hide how annoyed my cousin makes me. "I'm so frustrated right now. Blue means the world to me, and nobody was stopping him from saying all those ridiculous things he was saying."

       "Were they true?" Mom asks.

       "Were they...? No, they're not. Blue wasn't dating me for my money. Every time he needed something, he bought it with his own money that he worked hard for. He's probably a harder worker than I'll ever be. Albert shouldn't be getting away with saying all that just because he's my cousin."

       "I'm sure he's just looking out for you."

       "Judging by the way he keeps going on and on about Blue, and how rude he was to Blue at the Christmas party, I'm going to have to say he is definitely not looking out for me." I rub my forehead. "Look, I'll be home soon. But can you please talk to Albert about knocking it off?"

       I don't wait for my mom's reply, worried that she's only going to tell me once again that Albert is looking out for me. I get some families have tiny little feuds, but can no one seriously see that this has become more than just a small feud?

       I hesitate on whether or not I should head home now or just wait for the tree lighting ceremony to end. Today hasn't exactly been the best Christmas, so I need something for me to remember.

       I end up staying for the tree lighting ceremony, watching as the 50-foot tree lights up with the string of lights, following by the star on the top. The star shines brightly, illuminating all that's around us, allowing us to see the light flutters of snow.

       For just a moment, I feel content. Light. The ceremony isn't enough to completely calm me down, but it helps a lot.

       Deciding it's time for me to return home, I turn around to start heading there. However, I don't even take a single step because I see none other than Blue standing nearby. He's already looking at me, and I can feel my heart beating out of my chest. He looks absolutely ethereal, the lights from the tree shining angelically on him.

       "Hey," I say softly. "What are you--"

       I can't even finish my sentence because Blue interrupts me by walking completely over to me, gripping the collar of my jacket and pulling me down to his level, pressing his lips on mine. My mind doesn't exactly process what's happening because it's extremely confused, but my body seems to have processed it. My hands wraps around his waist, pulling him as close to me as possible.

       My mind still doesn't process it when Blue pulls away. I blink a few times, trying to figure out what just happened. Instead, I decide to ask Blue for the answer I'm look for, but I can't seem to find the words. "W-Why... I thought..."

       Blue doesn't answer right away. He just unclenches my jacket before moving his arms to warp around my waist, hugging me tightly as he rests his head on my chest. Despite being as confused as I have ever been, I hug him back, feeling grateful I have him in my embrace.

       "You were right," he says softly. "It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks. It only matters what we think. And I think I love you."

       His words make me hug him even tighter. "I love you, too."

       After a few more moments of hugging, Blue pulls away to look at me. "Are you still avoiding your family?"

       "Kind of," I say. "I was just about to head back now. But now, I really don't want to go."

       Blue gently places his hand on my cheek. "You should go back. Spend time with your family."

       "You could come, if you want," I say. "You can even bring Amy if she's out of the hospital now."

       Blue shakes his head. "I appreciate the offer, but I really don't want to be around Albert right now. It will kind of be awkward if I went. Besides, Amy wants to have a Christmas dinner with just the two of us. That's if we can find some place to go. The city hall was having a dinner for homeless people, but it's over now."

       "You can go to my house."

       Blue furrows his eyebrows. "I thought I said it will be awkward."

       "No, no, my actual house. You know, the smaller house of the two. You and Amy can use the kitchen and food there to have your Christmas dinner." Blue hesitates, not exactly accepting the offer. "Only if you want to. It's just an option."

       Blue thinks about it a bit longer before he nods. "Yeah, I think we will, if that's okay. I want Amy to have an actual Christmas dinner in a dining room and not just a restaurant. Thank you."

       I smile at him. "Of course."

       Blue smiles widely before pressing his lips on mine again.


everyone say thank you amy for slapping some sense into blue.

just one more chapter left, and i'm a bit excited for it hehe.

Kiss Me (On Christmas Day)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें