chapter 5

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chapter 5


       I sit down at my desk, immediately leaning back in the chair and closing my eyes. The past few days have completely exhausted me to no end. I know the exhaustion won't even stop any time soon because Albert just has to have an engagement party in two days even though his wedding is just under two weeks.

       Knowing him, both parties will turn out exceptionally well, which will only make me jealous about how fast he can plan two perfect parties in less than two weeks, especially when he originally wasn't planning on having his wedding for a while.

       "Awe, someone looks tired," I hear Noreen suddenly say, so I open my eyes and turn around to face her. She has two cups off coffee in her hand and she hands one to me. "Here. You look like you need it."

       "Thank you," I say before I take a long sip of the coffee, made just the way I like it. After a few years of interning together then both being hired at Suncrest, the two of us know each other's food and drink orders inside out.

       "So how are things going with that boyfriend of yours?" Noreen asks. Before I can answer,  she grabs her chair from her desk nearby and rolls it over. She plops onto it before continuing the conversation. "I still can't believe you not only went with my idea, but decided to do it with the first person you met."

       "Hey, I was desperate," I say. "He seemed like a nice guy, anyway. Even getting to know him, he did turn out to be a nice guy. Plus, last night, he was able to actually get Albert to stop talking about his wedding."

       "I still don't know what your boyfriend looks like," Noreen says. "You haven't given me his socials yet so I can't even stalk him."

       I take my phone out of my pocket, unlocking it to go to the many pictures Mom has sent me that she had taken the past two nights. "He actually doesn't have social media. Doesn't like how competitive it is or something like that." I hand my phone over to Noreen. "There. That's him."

       Noreen takes my phone and looks at the picture I chose. Most of us competed in the gingerbread house competition during game night in pairs, so Blue and I, naturally, paired up. In the picture, we're seen struggling to get our gingerbread house to actually stick together; the two of us our smiling at our failure. Somehow, Blue has frosting on his cheek and I remember it taking him a long time to notice it.

       "Oh," Noreen says. "Oh wow."

       I furrow my eyebrows. "Oh wow? What does that mean?"

       "It means two thing," Noreen hands my phone back to me. "One, your boyfriend is an absolute cutie. Two, you're glowing here."

       I take a sip out of the coffee before clearing my throat. "What exactly do you mean by I'm glowing?"

       "I mean exactly that," Noreen says. "You are glowing. The happiest I've ever seen you. Which is odd, because you're normally a very happy person. But this... Is next level happy?"

       I shrug. "Maybe because my family is finally off my back."

       "Uh huh."

       "I don't like Blue romantically, if that's what you're insinuating."

       "That's exactly what I'm insinuating."

       "Okay, but it's not true. I literally just met him a few days ago."

       "You know, there isn't a set time on when someone can fall in love," Noreen says. "I don't think it's fair to put a time limit on love, anyway. Some people can take weeks to fall in love, some months, some years, and some, like you, days. Maybe even hours. Probably minutes of just meeting him."

       "Not true," I say.

       "Wow, what a solid defence," Noreen says. "You're right. Absolutely no feelings for Blue. None whatsoever." Noreen is about to wheel her chair back to her desk; she makes it a few centimetres before wheeling back to right beside me. "Just quick question. How are you going to feel when your family goes back home and you no longer have to fake a relationship with Blue?"

       "I..." I begin but to be honest, I don't know how to reply. I never even thought about it. I've only been thinking about how Blue and I can make the relationship believable during all the events we'll be going to together. But after that, will we even continue to talk? Hang out sometimes?

       And of course, Noreen knows me so well that when ever she says something, I can't get it leave my mind. All I'm thinking about now is how happy I've been hanging out with Blue. Not just because it pisses of Albert, but just because he's a joy to be around.

       "I won't continue to push you into thinking you like him romantically," Noreen says. "Mainly because I think you got your answer, but you do have to know that there's nothing wrong with liking someone so soon after meeting them. Humans are complex. Everyone's different. I mean, it took me months to fall in love with my first boyfriend, and only a week or two to fall in love with my girlfriend, and we've been together longer than I have been with my ex."

       I sigh. "Even if... Even if I do like Blue, I doubt he feels the same way. Again, we only met a few days ago."

       "Okay, then wait to see how thing are after New Year's," Noreen says. "Maybe you'll both want to continue this thing you have going on."

       "Yeah, maybe," I say quietly, knowing that it's just wistful thinking at this point. I've never had the best luck when it comes to romantic relationships. I doubt I'll have any luck now when it comes to Blue, which is a shame because he's such an amazing person.

       "Well, if you ever need a wingwoman, you know I'll be happy to help," Noreen says. "Also, please send me more of those pictures of you and Blue so I can print them off and save them for the wedding."

       "Oh, ha ha."


apart from this being a short romance book, there 100% is a reason why spiro fell in love so fast but alas, i can't say without spoiling the original book (even if i don't know if it will ever be posted on wattpad)

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