chapter 4

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chapter 4


       I add a bit more kindling to the fire, wanting the flames to grow a bit bigger to warm up everyone sitting by the fire. Sleeping outside has always been a difficult thing for us who basically live in Wanita Park, but winter makes it excruciating with the snowy weather and the occasional rain.

       While there is a lot of snow on the ground, snow isn't falling from the sky so we are able to keep the fire running as long as we want.

       Once the fire strong again, I sit down beside Amy who's eating from a can of ravioli. When she swallows the bite she took, she looks at me. "Are you sure you have to leave again tonight? And not even for work?"

       "I mean, it will eventually lead to work," I say. "Hopefully."

       "Right, because fake dating someone always leads to work."

       "He said he'll get me a job recommendation for any job I want. He works for Suncrest so you know people will trust that recommendation. And maybe when I have a good enough job, I can actually build up my credit then we might be able to get a place."

       Amy sighs, knowing it has basically been wistful thinking at this point. "I know."

       I pull my cell phone out of my jacket pocket, sighing when I see what the battery percentage is. "I have to go to the cafe to charge my phone before Spiro picks me up. Do you want to come?"

       Amy shakes her head. "I think I'm going to lie down in the tent for a bit. Besides, I don't think I'm ready to meet your boyfriend. I need at least a week to compile a list of threats I'll give him if he ever hurts you."

       "Oh, ha ha," I say as I stand up. I pick up my backpack, slinging it over my shoulder. "Are you sure you don't want to come? I have enough money to buy us both a sandwich or soup or something."

       "No, I'm good." She shows me the can of ravioli. "This is my second can. I'll probably go for a third, if that's okay with you."

       "Yeah, of course it is. I should be heading off now. Just text me if you need anything." 

       I leave Wanita Park to head to the nearest cafe. Thankfully, there is an available table by an outlet, so I occupy that table after ordering some soup from the counter. The best thing about this cafe is how affordable it is, so it's where I normally come when I have to charge my phone. I won't be seen as loitering since I can afford buying just one thing here.

       I plug in my phone charger into the outlet, hoping I can get my phone to a good enough percentage that will last me through the night when I get back from Spiro's house. Though sometimes, my phone tends to die faster when it's cold out and considering I sleep in a tent outside, this is the time of year it dies quick.

       Sometimes, I wake up and my phone is completely dead despite being at least eighty percent charged.

       My phone is decently charged by the time Spiro texts me to tell me he can pick me up. I'll just have to see if I can charge my phone there. Honestly, if I didn't need my phone for the few jobs I have to contact me, I just wouldn't deal with the hassle.

       It's part of the reason why I'm struggling to find a place to live. There are some months I don't pay my phone bill on time, which ruins my credit, but it's not like I can cancel my phone plan. I'm stuck in a cycle that's not going to get any better until I get a better paying, steady job.

       Which also hasn't happened yet because a lot of jobs require me to have a permanent residence and considering I'm living in a park, that's not going to happen.

Kiss Me (On Christmas Day)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora