chapter 8

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chapter 8


       "Blue!" Amy says loudly close to my ear, suddenly startling out of my sleep. I sit up and rub my eyes as she sighs and sits down beside my sleeping bag. "What's up with you? You're normally a light sleeper and you never sleep in this late. I've been trying to wake you up for the past five minutes."

       "Sorry," I say. "I had a rough night. It happens."

       "Is everything okay?" Amy asks. 

       I nod, even though it's far from the truth. I'm just lucky Amy was already asleep when I got back to Wanita Park last night because I did not want her to see me visibly upset. I really don't want to get into everything that happened between me and Spiro, and his stupid cousin, but I know it's going to happen sooner or later. I can't hide it from Amy forever.

       "So there's actually going to be a dinner at the city hall for us homeless people," Amy says. "I'm probably going to go there. Actually get a filling meal for once."

       I lie back down on the sleeping bag, not feeling like moving for a few hours. "What time?"

       "I have to double check, but I think six? Maybe five."

       "I'll probably join you."

       My back is facing Amy so I can't see her expression, but I can only imagine that she looks extremely confused right now. "What about Spiro? Aren't you having dinner with his family?"

       I stay silent for a few moments, trying to figure out exactly how this conversation is going to work out. I guess it's going to be sooner instead of later, though I would much prefer it to be latter.

       Eventually, I sigh. "That's not happening anymore."

       "Why? What happened?"

       I debate whether or not I should tell Amy that I don't want to talk about it. I know she'll respect me if I don't and will completely drop the conversation but at the same time, I don't know how long I can hold this in without completely breaking down.

       So in the end, I tell her, "Spiro's cousin found out that I'm homeless and basically accused me of leeching off of Spiro and only dating him for his money. Right in front of Spiro, too. Then he told me I don't fit in with Spiro's family."

       "Oh," Amy says. "Oh, wow. Did Spiro take it bad or something?"

       "No. He said he didn't care about my living situation."

       "Then... What's the issue? If Spiro is still treating you the same, I don't think it matters whether or not his cousin thinks different."

       I sigh as I sit up again to face Amy. "The issue is that Spiro and I are way too different."

       "So... You're afraid he won't like you back because you're too different?"

       I look down, not wanting to admit to Amy that Spiro actually does feel the same way and that I'm the one who rejected him. I know when I say it out loud, it's going to sound stupid. Spiro put his heart out on the line for me, he's still going to treat me the same way, and he doesn't care about my living situation. How on earth did it make sense that I rejected him?

       I don't think I can explain it to Amy, but it makes sense to me.

       "No way," Amy says, having realized what it meant when I looked down. "Okay, you're really going to have to explain it to me, Blue. You like him, he likes you, so seriously, what is the issue?"

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