Dear Manny, Love Justyce (Dear Martin)

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How Manny died: Bullet, because the person shooting thought his music was too loud. 
Justyce and Manny's relationship: Best friends
Book: 'Dear Martin' by Nic Stone
Manny's last words: "Oh SHIT!"
Justyce's last words to Manny: "Manny, chill. Let's just turn it down till we get away from this guy, all right?"

Dear Manny,

    SJ told me to write this. She said it would help with the healing process. I don't really get that, I mean, I think I've healed just fine. It's been a year, I should be fine. But, I'm writing this so SJ doesn't get mad at me. She's scary when she's mad. 
    College is different than I expected it to be. It's nothing like the movies and my roommate sucks. I don't think we're gonna be best buds like I thought. Mostly, because he's a racist fuck. What are the odds, you know? Out of everyone going to Yale, I get placed with him. It sucks. I wish you were here so I could rant about it to you. I mean SJ is a great girlfriend, but she doesn't replace you as a friend. 
    I still remember the sound it made. That damn gun. In the moment, I think I was just shocked. And scared. I kind of froze up when I heard that gunshot. And when I realized it hit you. Oh my god, it was like the world ended. All over some damn music. Who does that? How did he even think it was okay? Pulling a gun on us. I'm so sorry. I just wish I had done something before it was too late. 
    Okay, I guess I haven't healed just fine. I still don't get the point of writing a letter, it's not like you're gonna get it. But, I guess it kind of helped. I was able to say how I felt. Which I'm not good at in real life. I think I'm done. I'm just gonna go lie down or something.



(Okay, so that was based on the characters Justyce and Manny from the book 'Dear Martin' written by Nic Stone. I read it in school for a project and I ended up loving it. I highly recommend this book if you haven't read it, yet! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

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