What A Party

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It was only nine thirty when Miya had messaged me, saying she had to take her duo home. Of course, it was disappointing that Miya had to go home early from our first ever dance, but Malori was sick, so there wasn't that much of a choice.

It only left Wayne, Kenji, Lucas, and I. It wasn't that much of an issue, it just felt weird looking around the gym, not seeing the person you shared a womb with.

Kenji was loud, eating all the snacks, offering them to us, blabbing on about basketball and how awesome his coach was. He was... very eccentric.

Somehow, he had managed to sneak into the sports supply closet and nab a basketball. He felt the need to show off some of his skills.

"Look!" Kenji exclaimed, dribbling the basketball between his legs. "Coach says I'm the best at dribbling on my team."

Lucas elbowed me. "He may be good at basketball, but his grades suck ass." He grinned. "I'm surprised he's still on the team with his grades."

Kenji pouted. "My grades aren't that bad..."

Lucas raised his hand and Kenji lowered his head, allowing Lucas to ruffle his hair. "Kenji, I'm sorry to out you like this, but your highest grade in junior year was a seventy five. Your lowest was a twenty two."

Wayne nearly spit out his water. "A twenty two?!" He furrowed his brows. "How the hell are you a senior? They passed you with that score?"

"Well, I got it up by the end of the year. It was forensics, what was I supposed to do?" Kenji groaned. "I got it up to a fifty, and they let me do some extra credit work."

Wayne cringed. "Oh my god. What are your grades now?"

Kenji narrowed his eyes. "Let's just say my highest grade at the moment is in athletics. And my second highest grade is only half of that."

Wayne set his cup down, nearly slamming it on the table. "Nope. Screw the dance. You and I are studying. Now." He pointed to Kenji, anger in his eyes.

"No! I'd rather eat cupcakes and practice!" He shouted, raising the basketball in his arms.

Wayne glared at him as he dug through his backpack. "We. Are. Studying." He guided Kenji over to a table and sat him down. "Exams are coming up soon. Do you plan to fail those? The school can only give you so much extra credit, Kenji."

Lucas smiled at me. "What a party." He rolled his eyes, grinning. He unzipped his own backpack and pulled out a sketch book. "Do you wanna draw anime characters?"

I gasped dramatically. "I thought you'd never ask."


Lucas tapped the eraser of a pencil on his lips. "Who should we draw first? Someone from Naturo? Bleach? Fairy Tail?" He looked up from his paper.

"Let's draw Natsu and Happy." I stated, looking down at my blank paper. "Is that good with you?" I started lightly sketching Natsu's jaw line.

Lucas hummed and began drawing himself. "That's cool."

I flinched when Wayne snapped at the table next to us. "No, Kenji! That's combustion, not single replacement." He leaned over the table to point at his worksheet. "Combustion always has oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon!"

Kenji frowned, furiously erasing an answer. "Okay!" His erasing stopped and he looked up with fearful eyes.

Wayne glared at him, crossing his arms. "What?"

Kenji slowly lifted up his paper to show a gaping hole. "I accidentally ripped it..."

Wayne looked unamused to say the least, but Kenji was holding in a laugh.

"I'm sorry, I-" Kenji chuckled, trying to collect himself. He leaned over the table, stretching Wayne's face. "Loosen up, ass wipe." Kenji turned to me. "What do you see in him?" He pretended to whisper at me, loud enough that Wayne could hear.

I smile and rolled my eyes. "I don't know." I joked, returning to my drawing.

Wayne rolled a pack of worksheets up and smack Kenji on the head with it. "Sit down, idiot. Let's move on." He pulled out a green folder. "English is next."

Kenji slumped onto the table. "You suck."

Wayne laughed as he pulled out an essay outline. "I know." He smirked.

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