what happens on break stays on break

Start from the beginning

"I haven't seen Cooper since Florida, I just know all of the guys have been inseparable since then," Amber explains.

"That's depressing," Olly bluntly states, and Amber nods, "They aren't even at lunch."

"Our project is due today for last hour," I comment as I poke at the mushy broccoli on my tray, "We haven't even practiced presenting together."

"Is it finished?" Amber asks and I press my lips into a thin line as I nod, "Mine are at least."

Classes drone on and soon it's the last class of the day. I take a seat at my desk and immediately pull out my notes for the project. 

My heart was thudding in my chest anxiously as I dread the sight of Axel walking into class. My mind begins pooling with the many scenarios of what would happen when he enters.

Is he going to talk about our last conversation? 

Is he going to pretend like it never happened and we're okay?

As usual, the tardy bell rings and Axel swiftly walks in.

I'm not sure what I expected him to look like, but all I know is this is completely not what I had in mind.

He wasn't sad or upset looking.

He looked happier than I had ever seen him as wears that signature smirk.

He seemed more like himself than he was when I first met him.

And it hurt.

He takes a seat in front of me not even glancing my way before he and Ben from baseball start cracking jokes. 

Or pretend like I don't exist.

"So how was your break bro?" Ben asks Axel and I turn stiff, "Nothing too crazy, just a road trip," Axel responds nonchalantly as if I'm not there.

"C'mon man, how were those Florida girls?" Ben pries and I feel ill to my stomach.

Axel cooly chuckles as he leans back in his chair, "What happens on break stays on break."

My blood begins to boil at his words. Is he serious?

"Carolina, how was your break?" Ben asks and my eyes widen in surprise from the question. I feel my heart tighten as Axel looks at me blankly as if he doesn't even know who I am.

"Nothing eventful honestly," I murmur boredly and he chuckles, "Really? Nothing at all."

"Nothing at all," I confirm forcing a smile on my face before Mr. Srisuk clears his throat gaining the attention of everyone in the class.

"Alright, I hope everyone had a restful break. Considering most of you probably forgot about the project this week I decided to move it to Wednesday," Mr. Srisuk announces which causes cheers to erupt across the class.

"Since your project for the most part should be done, I'm going to lecture you all on sections 7.2 through 7.5 in your textbooks," He informs now causing most of the class to groan.

"Yeah yeah, you graduate soon I don't want to hear it, pull out your notes..." and he begins droning on until the bell rings.


Eli's Point of View. 

Man, I hated school. Cyclic AMP? What is that?

In times like this, I missed the facility.

Just kidding.

But right now, two things were currently on my mind. on my mind.

1. Is Dr. Pepper really coke and root beer mixed?

2. I have never seen my brother this sad in my life.

He's pretending like he's fine but I know him well enough by now. I still had no idea why though, when I asked him he was an asshole about it and pretended like he had no idea what I was talking about.

I had a few ideas of possible reasons and I had a strong feeling about one of them. But there was only one way to know for sure.

The bell rings and exit class to see Jack Garcia at Daisy's locker.

"My boy, what's up," Jack greets me and we shake up before he says bye to Daisy.

"That a thing?" I ask out of curiosity and Jack shrugs, "If I can not fuck it up this time."

We both crack a laugh, "How's Carolina doing?"

"You know Carolina?" Jack asks and I nod, "Your sister and my brother kind of got something going."

"Oh... well now that you mention it she doesn't really seem like herself lately," He presumes, "She's kinda just been like the walking dead lately, only comes out of her room when its dinner time."


"Well, I'll see you, bro." We shake up one more time before going our separate ways.

Theory: possibly confirmed.

The cool wind hurt my face as I skateboarded to the high school. It was about to be 5:00 which meant baseball practice is coming to an end.

I stop boarding once I hit the gravel road. I grab my board and hide behind Carolina's blue minivan.

Man did this need some work to it.

I almost fall asleep before I hear footsteps and car engines beginning to run.

Conveniently for me, Carolina was all the way in the back of the lot but I couldn't risk being seen by anyone besides her so I slide under her van.

I hear her cleats as she walks around to the car to open her door.

Hope this works.


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