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Days after your encounter with Geto, your grandma was over at the house cooking you food.

"Y/n, you're finally eating healthy! No more frozen food. That boy Yuji really had an impact on you!" Gin teased as you turned away in embarrassment. Your ears got hot and red to the point where you couldn't be in the room anymore.

"Yeah, yeah!" You brushed it off, trying hard not to think about it because your grandma was right. Yuji heavily impacted your lifestyle. You're not the same person from a few months ago. You don't regret meeting Yuji whatsoever because being in that rut wasn't healthy.

I'm glad I was able to put my trust into that young boy. y/n has changed so much. It's amazing to see her grow from the last time I saw her. Her parents would be so proud of her. Gin said to herself, finishing up her cooking so you guys could eat.

You helped your grandma set the table out and then began eating. You loved her cooking as much as Yuji's, and eating it made you miss Yuji's food too. It's been a long time since he cooked for you.

Gin noticed how you were zoned out while you ate. She wondered what occupied your mind. Usually you praise her cooking and happily grin to show her your appreciation. "Do you not like my cooking?"

Your eyes widened from your grandma's statement and you vigorously shook your head. "NO! Of course not! I was thinking about something else, sorry!" You didn't mean to sound unappreciated.

Then Gin took this opportunity to understand what went on inside your brain. "What were you thinking about?" She wanted to smirk because she felt something juicy heading her way, but she didn't want to make you suspicious.

However, you didn't think too much about this question and was completely honest with her. "Eating your food reminded me that it's also been a long time since I ate Yuji's cooking." You chuckled, still astonished how you allowed a stranger to be your roommate and classmate at one point. You guys grew extremely close in a short amount of time. It's hard for you to fathom how it worked. Perhaps it's because you let yourself become vulnerable to him but either way you don't hate it.

Gin's brows rose up as she didn't believe the words you said. You changed more than she knew. "My y/n is very different now." She mumbled to herself, wondering what else the boy had done to you. Regardless, you looked better than ever. "Where is he? It'd be nice to see him again!"

"Oh, he's on a mission with his peers."

"And you're not included?" Gin thought it was weird since you're enrolled in the school so they should have you go on the missions too. It'll be good for you because you're an important figure in the system.

You shrugged your shoulders and plopped a fried tofu in your mouth. "I don't know," you said with your mouth full, munching it until it softened and swallowing it down. "And I don't really care either since I'm too powerful."

"Well when you get a chance to, tell Yuji to come by today. I want to see how he's doing! It's been a long time." Gin kindly smiled. She wanted to talk to him about you and see how you're acting with everyone else.

At the same time, your phone rang loudly.


You quickly grabbed it, believing it was Yuji even though he was on a mission. But to your dismay, it was Nitta Akari calling you. Your lips frowned as your heart wanted it to be him. "Hello?" You picked up.

"Y/N, I'M SO SORRY I FORGOT ABOUT YOU!! I'M COMING BACK SO YOU CAN BE APART OF THE MISSION!!" Nitta screamed, causing you to withdraw from your phone as it was that loud. Your eardrums almost burst.

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