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You threw on your new uniform for Tokyo Jujutsu High. You weren't really a skirt person, but since it's summer you'd prefer to wear a skirt instead of pants. You can't bear the thoughts of sweaty thighs clinging against the fabric of your pants. The feeling is very uncomfortable, especially training or going on missions under the blazing sun.

Typically, students who enroll into the jujutsu school have to live on campus but you don't. Yaga doesn't have the power to force you when you're the one who has to keep balance in this world. He actually respected your decision mainly because of the burden on your shoulders. He knew Gojo has been feeding you the taste of freedom until you're unable to be free. Most likely he pity you.

You ran to the kitchen when you smelled breakfast being made. Your nose twitched from the delicious aroma filling the whole house. It caused your stomach to growl and your mouth to water like crazy.

"Oooo, I wonder what he's cooking today!" You gleefully cheered to yourself as you eagerly made your way to the kitchen. You were definitely in a good mood since you woke up to your nose sniffing Yuji's cooking in the air.

Sizzling noises were heard from the stove top, and you peaked your head through the kitchen door frame and watched Yuji cook. You felt like a spy since he hadn't noticed your presence. He's busy trying to perfect breakfast before you leave for school. You love how this was a daily routine. You weren't going to trade his cooking for anything else because it made you addicted.

"Y/n, you look like a kid who's shy to ask for candy!" Yuji suddenly called out, noticing you as your face flushed from your inappropriate action. He really enjoyed how red you get after getting caught being a weirdo. "How long are you going to stand there? Hurry up. I know you're starving like usual!" He airly laughed, gesturing to you to come over.

"Yeah, yeah!" You flattened your skirt, heading over to the table as you tried to brush off the encounter. You tried your best to hide your embarrassed state since you never acted like this. This was the first time, all because Yuji's cooking has entered your life.

"Y/n, the uniform suits you!" Yuji complimented you out of nowhere as you weren't fazed by his words since it was towards the outfit, not your appearance.

"Uh, thanks?" You stopped moving to look at your uniform. It wasn't all that. The best thing was making it unique yet it's just another standard school uniform that everyone has to wear. "Can I eat now?"

"Of course!"

Later, you put on your shoes as you were ready to head out. You put your hand on a wall while you slipped on your shoes. This was to keep your balance in check. Once you slipped on your shoes, Yuji's quick footsteps rushed behind you and you turned your head to see what he needed to say.

"Have a good day, y/n!! I can't wait for you to tell me about your day!" Yuji grinned from ear to ear, waving as he was excited on your behalf.

Damn. I don't know why he's so excited for me but it's amusing. My interaction with him is so interesting. I guess it never gets boring in the house... You said to yourself as a smile curled on your lips from your thoughts. To know someone awaits you at home makes your chest feel light and tingling. You couldn't believe he wanted to hear about your day at school. He sounded like your parent instead. If the school made such an impact on Yuji, you wonder if it'll do the same to you. Nonetheless, you were bound to go there sooner or later.

"Thanks, Yuji. I'll let them know that you're alive." You playingfully joke, but Yuji didn't see it as one. He literally froze in his spot while fear overwritten his body. He didn't blink or breathe for a second, and it worried you quite a bit. Usually, you could care less but it was your fault that his mood drastically changed. "Uhh... I was just joking. It's not my place to tell them whether you live or die. That's your job!" You quickly hit his shoulder so he would snap out of it. You never meant to scare the living shit out of Yuji. You made a mental note that you weren't going to be joking with him.

You'll Never Walk AloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora