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You found the nearest train to hop on. It's going to take you an hour to get to your old school since you were in the countryside of Japan. You were having a hard time breathing as your knee rapidly bounced off the ground. Your heart craved to understand the details of this event. You couldn't understand how Junpei could be involved with the jujutsu society. Grabbing your phone, you dialed Nanami's number so he could give you a thorough explanation on your train ride there.

"Nanami-san, give me a rundown. I need to know what's going on!" Your body was shaking in anxiety and fear. This was perhaps the first time you felt like this, and it's all because you're worried about Yuji. If he hadn't entered your life, you would've been fine not caring about your sorcery path.

When Nanami told you what he knew, you couldn't believe it. Junpei might be involved with a cursed spirit, his mom died by a cursed spirit, and now Yuji might be in trouble. It still didn't make sense, however, it was bad news written in your head. You didn't want Yuji to die just yet. Like what Nanami said, he has no one else to rely on but you.

"I'll do what I can, Nanami-san. But whatever happens to him, he will understand the truth of this fucked up world we live in... We both had to learn it the hard way." You ended the call, feeling determined to fight with Yuji so he wouldn't have to sustain any type of mental or physical damage.

You stared at your feet, wondering why Yuji befriended someone at your old school when he knew he wasn't going to be there long. "Emotion is a double edged sword..." An uncomfortable laugh slipped from your mouth as you clenched your fists. You can care about a person so much because they give you comfort, but they can also give you pain, and Yuji is receiving that end of the stick. You know you're going to feel that pain sooner or later with him. It's inevitable since you both grew close with one another. Although you didn't want to feel that pain once again, it hurts you even more to think about cutting Yuji out of your life. He's very important to you, and he knows a lot about you too. You don't want him to leak information about you even though he's not that type of person to do so.

"Yuji, you better be alive when I get there..." You prayed for his survival. A big part of you knew he would survive because of his will to eat all 20 fingers of Sukuna and also, Sukuna wouldn't let his vessel die so easily. Plus he wouldn't have another opportunity to gain a second body to transfer over if Yuji were to die. He will pull strings in order to carry out his evil deeds.

1 hour later,

You finally arrived at your school, breathing heavily as you felt a sharp pain puncturing your side. "Goddamn! I'm so inactive!" You clutched your side, putting pressure to reduce the jabbing sensation.

Before entering, you noticed a barrier covering the school and your eyes widened. "Oh no... This is serious," You had a bad feeling roaming in your guts. You just knew disaster was about to unleash. You weren't quite sure who created the barrier, but the person or thing obviously knew it separates a set of space from the outside. "If Junpei is involved, I doubt he can master a barrier technique within a short amount of time. I don't think Yuji can either..." Then you thought about the cursed spirit Nanami was talking about. "It could possibly be that curse spirit. The way Nanami-san described it to me was that the curse is very intelligent and ruthless like Satoru. Then it could be it yet at the same time no. Nanami-san is on his way to fight the curse."

After concluding some thoughts, you rushed inside the school as you passed through the barrier and the front gates. You didn't notice anything off but it was eerily quiet. It gave you the creeps and you shuttered from coldness running down your spine.

On the ground, you saw shoe indents as it led to the gymnasium. Following behind it, the doors were slammed wide open. Your eyes caught a glimpse of bodies lying on the ground, and your heart dropped in the grave. "What the heck went on...?" You were flabbergasted and fearful. Any one of those bodies could be Yuji's but you tried not to think about it. You'd rather not lose your cool without seeing the body first.

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