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Yuji has been training long hours with Gojo for a few days now and you hated it. You come home after school feeling so lonely. There's no one to talk to beside your plant and that's it. You really missed having his company because it puts your heart at ease while it makes you happy. You never knew how much it would impact you. Thus, you were going to visit Gojo's house to see Yuji.

You felt your chest feeling all tingly and foreign, and you couldn't understand why. Normally, your chest felt calm and undisturbed until now. Every time you think about Yuji, your chest feels like that. "What is wrong with me?" Your hand was on your chest as you tried thinking if it was medical problems. "I think I'm healthy? I hope I don't die just yet."

"What's wrong with you, y/n?" Maki called out, giving you a weird look as her bow staff was over her shoulder. She could tell there was something wrong with you but didn't know what it was. However, she knew you spaced out a lot during their training days. You did nothing but watch them fight with each other.

You didn't want to concern her about your problems since she wouldn't really know either so you brushed it off. "Oh, it was just random chest pain. Do you get that?" You walked over to her where the sun was out and bright. You squinted, looking at Maki. You were never going to be used to the sun.

Maki gave you a confused look as her eyebrow shot up. "You mean like getting stabbed?"

You shook your head in disbelief. "What? No. Are you okay?"

Where in the world did she get that from? She's crazy. You said to yourself, a bit scared of Maki now.

Time passed and it was evening, you stared at the sky wondering when you should drop by Gojo's house. You were contemplating whether you should inform him beforehand; however, you chose not to since Gojo doesn't do it either. He'll get what's coming at him.

You stood in front of Gojo's traditional family home. Instead of knocking like a normal person would, you grabbed a bobby pin from your bag and started to unlock his front door. You weren't scared of getting caught. What was Gojo going to do? Yell at you? No, he's going to laugh about it. He has the nerves to sneak inside your house without you knowing. You don't know how he gets in but he does.


After wrestling your bobby pin inside the lock, it finally opened and you entered. The front door was really quiet but you didn't expect much anyways. Gojo lived alone so it wouldn't be loud. You know he's a lonely man. He's not seeing anyone, he's not getting an arranged marriage; he's just a loner who loves to hang out with kids who're cooler than him. You honestly believed he needed to get his life together. If you're getting crapped on by the higher ups, he should too by his parents. Perhaps marriage and kids will mature Gojo but you will never know.

Silently, you closed the door behind yourself and tiptoed to where you heard grunts and something heavy falling. Your brain automatically knows it's Yuji training with Gojo. Why else would there be loud noises coming from a room at the end of the hall? Gojo wouldn't be doing anything weird in the house especially when he's training Yuji.

The floorboard behind your feet didn't creak so it didn't alert Gojo or Yuji, but you know Gojo's six eyes might see your cursed energy like a thermal imaging camera from miles away. Yet he wasn't coming out from the training room. It must mean he doesn't care since it's you.

Creeping closer to the ajar door, you saw Yuji and Gojo's figures moving around. You could tell Gojo wasn't going easy on him because he kept grappling or using his infinity against Yuji. Nonetheless, it didn't stop Yuji from trying even harder to defeat Gojo. You could see his determination flowing through his eyes as he was in the zone. Yuji went as far as analyzing Gojo's movements and preventing another slip up.

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