Chapter One

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War Is Over
Chapter One
The First Beta
|3rd person POV|

Previously on War Is OverOf course, Derek didn't want the girl to have an awful image of her father so what he said was mostly a lie

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Previously on War Is Over
Of course, Derek didn't want the girl to have an awful image of her father so what he said was mostly a lie. Peter Hale knew what he was doing when he killed Laura Hale and Derek was glad the alpha was dead.

"Derek? Derek!" Adeline heard someone shout as they ran into the subway station.

As a boy her age ran into the room she immediately recognized him as the boy Derek bit.

He had showed her a picture of the young boy and told her about his father to prepare her to help him since she was officially apart of his pack.

Derek rushed towards the entrance from his place and looks at the curly haired boy. "What's wrong?"

Issac Lahey looks shook up is Adeline's first impression form the boy who she has yet to know.

"My dad." The transitioning wolf pauses. "I think he's dead."

That's when Adeline comes into his sight but he ignores her and continues to talking to his alpha.

"What did you do?" Derek questions angrily.

"That's the thing." Issac starts. "It wasn't me."

After Derek and Issac talked for a little while, the alpha informed his beta that he had to stay at the subway station tonight and go to school the next morning, so they wouldn't think he was hiding.

Adeline had talked with Derek earlier that day informing him, she was being home schooled by Rosalie and she wanted to continue that until she wanted to go to a school. Derek allowed it even if he didn't have much of a choice in the matter and left the girl to continue practicing new spells.

Issac had yet to meet the girl so he set on the ground watching the girl chant until she stopped and opened her eyes, from feeling the boys stare on her.

"What, Issac?"

The curly haired boy blinked in shock not expecting the girl to know his name. "You know who I am?"

The auburn haired girl rolls her eyes "yes. Derek told me about you, your the kid he bit."

"Yeah... but umm, my question is, who are you?"

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