Chapter 30:

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Ellies POV:

--6 hours later--

It was now 8pm With a few more stops we kept on getting closer and closer to halfway we now only have 5 hours before we get halfway.

"Okay okay so Calum truth or dare?" Emilee asks. We all decided to play truth or dare except Morgan could only do truths as he was driving.

"Truth!" He says excitedly.

"Okay who would you have a one night stand without of all the people here?" Emilee asks, I feel Ashtons grip tighten round my waist a little I look at Emilee and I could see Luke had tightened his round her aswell, Emilee smirks at me, and I wink back.

"Would it be bad if I said you and el?" He asks. Me and Ellie chuckles little.

"Okay woah woah, if that was to happen, I would be joining in, as I have to have main control over this one" Ashton says pointing at me.

"Same same I mean I have to be there also because one I have to be in charge of her" Luke said pointing at Emilee.

"And two, just coz its a Lashton thing" Luke said which caused everyone to laugh. After that we all just chatted, took pictures ate food and slept like normal people do. It was a really fun afternoon.

It was now 9pm, we were driving along the coastline road again, Luke was sleeping on his stomach so Ashton could sleep on Luke, I heard them discussing it, I think they were defiantly feeling a Lashton vibe to be honest. They slep on the left side of the bed while Emilee was looking through her iPad, i decided to join her.

"Emilee why the hell are you looking at yoga poses honest to god you are the weirdest person ever" I say we both laugh a little.

"I was getting bored so I thought we should try some" I stared at her and we both laughed.

"Okay but let's try not to fall on Ash and Luke" I said. She nods and finds one. It was with two people we wanted to start basic first so we were going to do the classic one where Emilee holds her legs up and I try to stay up on them while having my arms and legs out.

We try about three times, but this time we try it again we manage to stay up for about five seconds but then I fall the complete wrong way and fall against Ashton and Luke.

"Awe now we got two tired grumpy boys" I say pouting.

Emilees POV:

Ashton and Luke sit up and rub their eyes, they look out the window, they look so confused it's funny.

"Dude what time is it?" Luke asks, Ashton suddenly becomes excited, he jumps off the bed and grabs his phone he then looks out the window.

"It's now ten pm only three more hours till we're halfway!" He says excitedly jumping about he runs over to Ellie and lifts her up bridal style and kisses her all over her face, how is he doing that while we're moving? That's the reason why me and Ellie were failing while doing yoga, it was because we were moving!

He sits her back down on the bed and admires the maps and pan flips of Australia he got at the recent gas stations.

---3 hours later---

I sat up from my book as Morgan took a sharp turn in somewhere, I put my book down and peeped out the window we parked in what seemed to be a field with a lake. I climbed out and everyone was admiring how the lake looked with the moon shining on it.

"Babe!" Luke shouted he then lifted me up on his back, I wrapped my legs round his torso.

"Em we made it half way!" Morgan chirped, my excitement grew massively as the words flowed out of his mouth, me and Ellie look eachother, she points at the lake and then says dive. I nod, we go back into the camper leaving the boys in awe of the lake we were only staying here for half an hour if we want to stay on schedule but it was cool. ELLIE got changed into her black bikini as I did mine, we sneak out the camper, one the count of three we run to the lake and jump in.

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