Chapter 22:

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Emilees POV:

I walked back into the living room where the officers were, as soon as I enter Liz runs up to me and pulls me in for a warm hug. I embrace her kindness and then let go and head over to where Luke was sat with the officers.

"Are you ready for your statement now miss? We have interviewed your husband already" One of them said mine and Lukes eyes widen at the word "husband" I chuckle nervously and scratch the back of my neck.

"He's just my boyfriend and yeah I'm ready for my statement" I say and Luke bites his lip and smirks at me, I hate him so much right now, turning me on like that WHATS wrong with him? The two officers nod and the. We head into the kitchen. I tell them everything about me and Michael, right from our first physics class right up to his hand written note, tears were shed of course as I reminisced all of our memories together.

"Thankyou Emilee is it?" One says, I nod while wiping another tear, then they head out. They go over a few details and then they leave. Liz leaves shortly after as she has to feed Molly. Once she leaves I race upstairs Luke following me close behind. I raced into our room and picked up the beanie.

"Luke do you realise this is the only real thing we have left if him?" I ask clutching the beanie close to my chest. I feel Lukes arms snake around my waist, he rests his chin gently on the top of my head.

"I realise, I promise babe we will get through this togther" Luke says. I put the beanie down and spin round so mine and Lukes chest are now touching. I stare up into his piercing eyes.

"Promise?" I asked holding up my pinky for him to take.

"Promise" he says then we connect pinkies. Later that evening we talked about Mikeys funeral which I was certainly not looking forward to. We spoke to Karen and we were told it was going to be this Saturday at 3 which is three days from now. His headstone is also ready. I'm only going to show Michael respect, I just thought that I would be attending his funeral much much later in life, he deserved so much more.

"Karen wants us to write a speech she said Michael would of wanted that too" Luke said, I nodded slowly.

"Okay sure, I'll write one" I say. He agrees with me and then we both agree we will write one each.

"Luke?" I ask as Luke goes to change into his sweat pants.

"What's up Em?" He asks looking at me with concern spread across his face.

"It's my fault Michael dead isn't it?" I ask, I suddenly ball my eyes out and fall to my knees, Luke rushes over to me, he picks me up bridal style and rocks me back and forth while kissing my head. I cry into his chest making his top very wet.

"Sh sh no of course not, Michael was the one who crashed the car" Luke whispered into my hair.

"It's going to be okay baby girl" Luke whispered once more, I nodded and then he sat me on the bed. My head started to pound, like a bullet had been shot through it, I forgot all about my tumour so much has happened recently that it managed to escape from my mind. I lie down and it eases slightly, then my phone buzzes I pick it up to see that I have a text from Calum.

From: Cal Pal <3
Hey bby g... I'm coming over in a bit, I need someone to talk to and Ashton is busy with Ashley and Elli needs to help out and I haven't seen my bestfriend in a while, and I need to see my bro Luke be over in 5 love YA xx

I replied saying all good, and then put my phone back on the bed side table.

"Luke, Cal is coming over in a minute" I say and Luke cheers.

"I haven't seen Cal in a few days it's weird" He adds then there is a knock downstairs, Luke jumps up to go answer it. I listen in and i Could hear Lukes voice and Calum's but I couldn't hear Maisie's? Must be with the adopted twins or something. Then the bedroom door opens and in walks Luke and a puffy eyed Calum. I get up and open my arms fir Cal.

He runs into them and ip embraces me tightly, this poor boy.

"Hey Cal" I say and we sit on the bed with Luke cross legged at the end.

"Hey sunshines" Cal replied. His voice was shaky.

"What do you need to talk to us about bro we can help its okay?" Luke says calmly placing a hand upon Calum's shoulder.

"Well...Me and Maisie decided to break up...shes gone to stay with her Mum in LA and has took the twins with her, she said it's gotten to much and she wants to leave it all behind so we have parted ways and we probably will not see her fir a long time, and that's what she said..." Calum trailed off. What? Maisie has left? But you can't just run away from your problems that just makes it worse! And she took the twins, poor Calum, I feel so bad for him.

Luke stretches his arms out and we all group hug fir about five minutes, I think we all needed that. Oh my god! Calum is gonna be all alone at his place, no way is that happening.

"Hey Cal why don't you stay with Me and Luke and Gracey for a while?you know just while things settle down you, everyone needs eachother and this moment." I ask.

"Yeah that's a great idea come stay with us Cal we can just blow you up a mattress and you can sleep on the floor in here with us" Luke suggests, I see Calum smile a little, I think he feels relieved that he doesn't have to be alone during a extremely hard time like this.

"Sure, make sure your quiet though yeah?" Calum asks, we all chuckle a little and suddenly a small happy vibe was shared.

"Shut up" Luke playfully smack Calum.

"I'm joking, really guys this means ALOT I'm so grateful thanks" He says. We nod and group hug again, I think That's what we all need we need to spend time with eachother again, like we used to. I think that will help with everything alot

After another 2 hours of talking, I settled down Grace. It was pretty late so we were all quite tired. I walked back into my room to see Luke and Calum trying to blow up the mattress.

"You idiot your doing it wrong!" Calum exclaims whole wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Get lost Cal I'm doing it correctly!" Luke protests, wow was it really that hard to blow up a mattress? I walk over to them and push them both out the way. I grab the pump and start pumping up the bed, I finish in 5 minutes. Once I'm done I out sheets in it and place a pillow and a duvet over the top. I turn round to the boys to see their mouths hung open. I placed but hands under their chins and shut their gaping jaws.

"Simple" I say.

"You are so hot" Luke exclaimed. I just rolled my eyes at him, we all then decided to get into bed. We said goodnight and then turned the lights out. Lukes arms wrapped round my waist and he pulled me close to his chest. He kisses my shoulder a few times and then I can hear his soft snore as he drifts off into a deep sleep. I look over at Calum to see his mouth open a little. I chuckle and snap a picture of them both.

I then begin to think of earlier and how much better me, Luke and Calum felt after spending more time with eachother. I then remembered, I have the most brilliant idea. After the funeral and after we have all visited Michael. I'll tell them all then.

I hope this works...

Authors Note----> ohhhh what's her idea? Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter if you did then great I'm glad thanks for reading this chapter. Anyway make sure that you cite and recommend please , thankyou I love you all byeee xxx

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