An explosion engulfed in the sky.

This was seen by everyone. Jiraiya quickly was doing the seals, Tsunade, Anko and Kurenai watched in fear for Naruto's safety. While Yugao, Gai, Kakashi were in position and poured their chakra onto the seal desperately wanting the barrier to disappear.

Earthbeast landed on the ground as a he looked at a Naruto all bloodied up and on the floor.

The Iwa ninja looked amazed "to think you managed to withstand my dust release. matter you're already on deaths door.

The man was indeed correct as Naruto was all bloodied up and blood kept coming out of his mouth. He was damaged greatly. The blond Chunin tried to get up but his legs wanted to fall to the ground.

Getting up Naruto's vision was fading. He looked at Earthbeast but had difficulty seeing him.

"W...why" Naruto desperately tried to fight

"Why am I weak" Naruto tried to bring his hands up but for some reason they weren't listening to him.

"I will be back and when I will see me wearing that vest"

"You promise"

"I promise"

"Yes I promised Ayame that I will be Jounin" the Uzumaki thought as his conversation with Ayame echoed in his head.

"I want to become the that I can never lose again!" a silver haired boy screamed

Naruto's eyes went wide.


Tsunade's mansion – Naruto's room

Shock was written on Naruto's face as he touched the picture he put up in the wall.

"This...this is it. With this I could become...the strongest!"

"This...this is my Teikoku Gentei! (Imperial limit)

End of flashback

Suddenly two chakra cuffs came on both Naruto's wrists as the blond then slowly, desperately and painfully brought his hands over his hand.

Earthbeast watched with confusion as he thought this was Naruto's pathetic attempt to stay up.

Naruto shook trying to not fall as he gritted his teeth "don't...don't fall!" the Uzumaki's hands was shaking as he then with a huge grunt screamed "I never break my promises!"

Naruto then ripped off the chakra cuffs and then all hell broke loose.

Earthbeast's eyes went wide and then all he saw was white.


"I finished!" Jiraiya screamed in relief as suddenly when he said that an explosion was heard as chakra flew to the sky. The chakra was so strong it tore the clouds above them. Then a flash of light engulfed them

It was so powerful everyone in Konoha felt it.

Root headquarters Danzo's office

Shimura Danzo sat in his office when the whole room shook.

"What is that" the root leader spoke emotionlessly. He knew that this earthquake meant that Konoha itself was felt it as well.


The Genins who were having their usual meeting all saw the sky being torn apart by a blue wave. It shook the ground they stood on.

"What is that!" Kiba screamed as he held Hinata who looked scared.

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