Chapter 25- Nice To See You Again

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"Here we are Tommy. Dragon's cave" said B/N looking in.

"Are you sure this is safe? Like- will he do something to Y/N or us-?" I said looking through the mask at him then at Y/N. I just want to make sure this is safe for all of us .

"I am sure man. Don't worry. We will get out of there alive and safe with Y/N. You will see her again."

"I believe you. Let's go in then."

We get in and started walking slowly. I was- afraid? exited? I don't know but it's something between. We were closer. We saw the light. Probably a torch from the cave or dragon is mad. I will go with torch for now. 

"We are closer. Don't worry the dragon is friendly." B/N whispered to me and I nodded.

We walked in. I saw a big dragon laying in , probably resting and the egg behind him.

B/N started saying some weird Enderman words. I don't understand what he's saying but after a minute he pointed to Y/N and then me. The dragon made some weird noises too then B/N nodded then turned to me.


We came in the cave and I saw the dragon.

"good afternoon your highness" I said in Enderman language and bowed down. Tommy bowed down too following me because he don't know what we are saying. 

"good afternoon Enderman boy. Why did you came?" Dragon said. Thanks God he is in a good mood. 

"your highness, if I can ask, can you please help my sister? She's in her Enderman phase and we tried everything but we can't help her. This is her partner that tried everything with me." I pointed at Tommy. "And this is my sister Y/N, we care so much about her and we can't imagine life without her. I beg you your highness please help her. We need and love her" I said and this felt weird but it's true. Dragon nodded " You two really care about her. I can help but you know that everything comes with the price right?" he said and looked at the girl that is laying in Tommy's hands. I looked at her too then at Dragon again. 

"Yes your majesty I do. We have this Eye of Ender. It took too much to make it but we did. I hope it's good enough."

"hmm interesting.  Can I see it?" The dragon said. 

"Yes your majesty." I get the eye carefully much as possible from the bag and I gave it to the dragon.

"you two did a good work I can admit it." He looked at it and  put it next to the egg.

" I will help your sister. Told your friend to put her down in front of me." He said and I turned to Tommy.

"He want you to put her down, in front of him, Tommy."

He slowly walked and put her down. The dragon lay and let his head close to her. He kept it there for 2 minutes then stand back up.

"She's sad, something made her heart broke and now she can't help herself. This is hard type of phase but I can try. She lost her memory, she remember just how to talk, move, walk but she don't remember anyone. We need to remind her who she is and who she have. Tell me everything you two had with her. Then when you say all of that she will have some kind of dreams. They won't be uncomfortable. Something like between. The world where only picked ones go."

We told him everything. I had to translate what Tommy said but it wasn't a problem. We told him about our childhood, how we all meet, how we spend time together, we told him about our friends who came from another countries and other things. He laid his head on Y/N's . We waited not that long but both of us lost hope. When we wanted to give up she moved.

"Welcome back Y/N." The dragon said and we got surprised.

"Y/N!" Both of us yelled and ran over to her.

"Thank you so much your highness I can't thank enough" I said and looked again at the dragon.

"no problem. Seeing you two happy made my memories to come back."


"Thank you guys it means to much to me." Y/N said.

"no problem Y/N." I said.

"always love, you mean everything to us. We can't imagine world without you." Tommy said and she smiled.

"you want to rest? we can leave. You are gonna see Ranboo, Tubbo and others later." I said .

"Can I talk to Tommy in private? I mean if that's ok."

"yeah sure I will leave" I said and teleported out.


"you want to talk?" I asked and sat next to her. She was laying in her bed. She got trough much last days.

"Yes actually. Tommy first of all... thank you... I never though I will have someone like you. You made my life better because if you didn't come I guess I will still be a broken piece of an Enderman." she said but I cut her of.

" Y/N don't say it. I know you wouldn't . The first time I meet you even in dreams both of us had I knew you were the one. I don't know if I could find anybody else. Btw Y/N I love you too and I will forever." I said and I leaned in. Like in dreams we kissed and like always with her I though I was in a fairytale.

                                THE END

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