Chapter 12- The Plan

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|+ B/N's POV same night when they came +|

"why are we here?" asked Tubbo slowly flying around the room.
"we all see that Y/N and Tommy like eachother right?"
"you are telling me this NOW? Of course we see it" Ranboo answered. "Yep, They definitely like each other." Tubbo added as he landed on the bed. "how about we all go to the arcade in two day and so we try to bring them closer together?" The two of them looked at each other and turned to me again." yes sure we can try." Ranboo answered. "ok so tomorow I will talk to Tommy about them    and... Who will talk to Y/N about it?" Tubbo added gently moving his wings out and in. (you know what I mean don't mske this dirty please 💀)
" Ranboo can you do it, please?" "ok but why me, you are her brother." "I know I don't want to... You know. I don't want to make her think that I am overprotective."
"that's alright. I ma gonna talk to her." "Thanks Ranboo"

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I woke up and realised that I am still cuddling Y/N. I tried to move but she dropped one let's say a sad sound, so I gave up and stayed. I blushed a little, but I couldn't help myself because she was too pretty while she was sleeping. I got her hair off her face when I heard someone was comming closer to the door. I covered her ears because I didn't want her to be scared if anyone came in. "GOOD MORNING LOVEBIRDS" Tubbo was yelling  when he crumbled into the room. "WTF Tubbo what is your problem?!" i yelled-whispered to him holding my hands gently on Y/N's ears. "sorry, I thought you were awake" "I am, she's not." "sorry again.  breakfast is over, so get down. And after breakfast, come to my room, we need to talk." "okay?" "okay bye! " he said leaving the room. I put my hands of Y/N's ears and whispered to her "Y/N... Good morning we need to get up breakfast is ready" she slowly opened her eyes "what's wrong?" "nothing we just need to get up". Her eyes widen "I am so so sorry! I didn't mean-" I cut her of "it's okay Y/N don't worry" "r-really?" "yes really" I gigled. "does that mean-..." "does that mean we can cuddle more? YES!" "Thank you Tommy" "for what?" "for being nice to me. I never expected anyone to be so good to me." "everytime" I said with a smile when I give her hug." But now, we have to go eat."

(time skip- breakfast)
Goodmorning Tommy, goodmorning Y/N! said B/N looking at us. "good morning" we said. "what is for breakfast?" I asked "Eggs" Ranboo said proundly because he made the breakfast. "that is nice" said Y/N sitting on the chair. After breakfast Tubbo  called me to go with him. I heard Ranboo calling Y/N to go with him,I didn't know why but this was weird.

(hello! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm sorry this part was a little shorter, but I've got a lot of work to do for school. I'll try to write and publish chapters in a shorter time so you don't have to wait long. Have a nice day! :D)

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