New roommate

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Yang Jungwon took a deep breath.

He couldn't believe it was the end of the summer already. In a week, he would be starting studying at the his dream university, in the heart of Seoul. As his family lived in the countryside, Jungwon had decided to move out and live in the city. Surprisingly, he had found a room quite quickly. His childhood friend, Niki, had been living in a student house and someone had just left it. Jungwon had instantly accepted when Niki suggested he could move in. Not only was the rent in his price range, but it comforted him to already know one of his roommates.

Jungwon had carried all his boxes down the entrance path. After he finished pilling them near the front door, he rang the bell. He heard footsteps and the familiar sound of the lock before finally seeing Niki's face.

"Won!" he said, smiling. "You're here earlier than expected!"
"You're the one always late, not me" joked Jungwon, smiling back.

Niki opened the door widely, making a "welcome" gesture with his other hand. Jungwon got inside, impatient to visit his new home. The hallway was quite spacious. On the left, Jungwon saw the biggest shoe closet he had ever seen. Niki waited for him to take off his shoes and started the house tour. On the right of the entrance hall, there were two rooms.

"This one is Sunoo's and this one is mine and Heeseung's" explained Niki, pointing at the doors.
They turned back, passing in front of the staircase until they reached a large living space. On the left there were the kitchen and dining table, whereas on the right Jungwon saw couches and a tv.

"This is so cool" said Jungwon, already imagining movie nights on the sofa.
"It is" said Niki, happy that Jungwon liked the house so far. "And here's the ground floor toilet."

Then, they got up the stairs, which did a u turn. The end of the staircase lead them to a chilling place, with a library and comfortable chairs.

"I like to come here and be lazy on my phone or on my switch" explained Niki.
"No wonder why" replied Jungwon, looking at the view they had from the window behind the chairs.

"Let me show you your room" added Niki, impatient.

They turned right and walked down the hallway.

"Yours is on the right" indicated Niki, knocking on said door.
"Come in" said a voice inside.

Jungwon entered his new room, followed by Niki.
"Hi" he said, smiling to the boy laying on the bed near the window. "Nice to meet you!"
"Welcome" the latter said, getting up. "You're Jungwon, right?"
"I am" replied Jungwon, walking to the second bed and putting his jacket on it. "You must be Jaeyun?"
"Call me Jake" he replied, frowning at his full name. "Do you need help with your things?"
"That would be great, thank you!" replied Jungwon, already liking his roommate.

The three boys walked back to the entrance, where Jungwon's belongings were waiting. As there wasn't much, two trips were enough to bring everything in.

"So whose bedroom is this one?" asked Jungwon, pointing at the door in front of his.
"It's Jay's" replied Jake. "But we don't see him a lot."
"Really?" asked Jungwon, surprised.
"He's kind of a loner" explained Niki.
"I see" replied Jungwon.

"Let me show you the rest of the first floor" suggested Niki.
On the other side of the stairs, there were Sunghoon's room and the common bathroom.

"So what do you think?" asked Niki, as they were sitting near the library.
"I love the house" replied Jungwon. "It's way bigger than I expected!"
"Agreed!" said Niki. "As I told you on the phone, Sunghoon's parents own the house, but he's the one managing most of it."
"I remember" replied Jungwon. "So let me just try to remember all the names."
"Easy: Sunghoon, Sunoo, Heeseung, your roommate Jake" started Niki, not letting Jungwon try recalling them.
"And Jay" finished Jungwon, remembering his name clearly.
"Exactly" confirmed Niki.
"Are they all university students?" asked Jungwon.
"Yeah" replied Niki. "Wanna wait until lunch for them to tell you about themselves or do you want all the tea now?"

Jungwon slowly blinked and looked at Niki.

"You obviously know I want the tea" he said, smirking.


"Really?" asked Jungwon. "Did they really go out together?"
"Well, I'm not a hundred percent positive, but I'm sure something happened. Or is happening" explained Niki.
"Damn" replied Jungwon.
"I told you, this house is a tea shop" said Niki proudly.
"What about you then?" asked Jungwon, looking at his friend to see if he would react.
"What about me what?" asked Niki, blushing slightly.
"Do we have any tea about you?" explained Jungwon.
"Me? no" said Niki, obviously having some. "Do you have some about you?"
"Unlike you, my no is true" answered Jungwon.

Niki looked at his phone.
"Should we start thinking about eating?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm getting hungry too" replied Jungwon.

They got up of the chairs and headed for the staircase. They were halfway through the stairs when the entrance door opened in front of them. Jungwon instinctively looked at the person coming in.

He was tall, had blond hair and was extremely handsome. His eyes met Jungwon's and he clenched his jaws. He took off his shoes and started walking towards them.

"Hey" said Niki, as the newcomer passed them on the stairs.
"Hey" he simply replied in a deep voice.

Niki and Jungwon arrived in the kitchen. 
"That was-" started Niki.
"Jay" finished Jungwon, kind of hurt that the latter didn't even greet him.

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