Madame Foster's Birthday.

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One week later.....

"C'monC'monC'mon!!!" Frankie roared as the entire house seemed to jump from her outburst. Bloo moaned,got up,opened the door and slammed it shut.

What a great morning...

After I jumped off of my hammock I crept out to the kitchen,where Frankie was barging around with giant folds of party supplies in her hands. Everyone else was working on a project; some small sunflower Friends were putting bows on presents. They actually looked really ni-


"Oh!! Sorry girls!! I'm really busy this morning!!" Frankie rambled,stepping over the present she just squashed.

Then she noticed me,

"Eloise!! Come over here and help me with the plates,after that I need to get the-(gasp) THE CAKE!!!!"

She dropped everything in her hands-which fell ontop of the Sunflower Friends- and ran into the kitchen. This is weird... Every year Rue would always do this-minus the ruckus- and have a bunch of new toys in the end. While she was at school I would always play with them so I wouldn't be bored.

I walked over,grabbed the plates,and airbended them all over to the table in an orderly fashion. Next up was the forks. Each fork was out inside a tiny tornado,where it passed it along the table next to the plates. Of course I did the same with the forks and knives. It looked like a bunch of dancing swirls!!

"Ms.Francis you shouldn't be a 'couch potato' and not do this simple request while I work my tail off-"
"-If you'd be so kindly to go to the store and buy streamers. I, however,have never been to a party without streamers. Therefore you shall go to the store and buy streamers,BEFORE 9:00."
"No but!! It's decided."

Frankie groaned,stomping out of the kitchen with an annoyed look on her face,but stopped and gawked at the table like a fish. Impressed,she crossed her arms and smirked.

"Nice work Eloise. C'mon,we're heading to the mall."


"Bloo!! I only said we'd be going for streamers!!" Frankie scolded.

She told Bloo she and I would be leaving for streamers. And when he comes to the bus the rest of the gang is here.

"But I gotta buy a gift for Madame Foster." He defended,then walked in front of Wilt.
"How much ya got?" He demanded,sticking out a hand.
"I got a 5."
Snatched out of his hands,
"How much?" He asked Ed.
"Una 5. And 43 cents."
"Mac." He gave a stern look to his creator.
"A dollar and five cents."
Bloo walked over to me,his eyebrows arched up high.

Ever since Bloo saw my powers he gave me a few nicknames. This is one of them.

I reached into my jacket pocket,out came two dollars and 66 cents.
Just as it appeared,it was gone.
Finally he walked up to Coco.
"Coco." She gave a dumb face,not taking out any money.
"What!? Nothing!?"
"Then you can't go!!"
"Coco. "

Frankie looked like she was about to pop. Her face was turning as red as her hair.she stepped into the bus,turned back,and ushered us in. But Bloo pushed CoCo back into the street.
"Uh uh. No,YOU stay here."
Mac and I stuck out heads from the seats in the front.
"C'mon Bloo,let her come." I said.
"Uh uh, no dough no go." He said stubbornly.


I rarely get to go to the mall,but this was huge!!
Just about everywhere I saw great places,a video game store,book store,clothing store,cooking store,basically everything you know would be in a store.

Frankie was rambling on how we needed to only get streamers and the present and head out. Wilt stayed behind to hold the door,considering how nice he was he'd be there for a while. Ed held onto Frankie,they started to slow down,that's when Frankie groaned.

"Let go Ed your slowing us down."

"B-but if I let go of you Frankie,I could get lost. And taken by strangers!!" He trembled like a tiny chihuahua dog in the cold. It was a little sad to watch.
"Eloise,whatdya wanna buy Madame Foster?" Mac asked as Frankie walked around looking for a directory.
"Dunno,maybe I can whip something up..."

Though something caught my eye,it was a black kimono outfit. The top was a v neck,probably reach to my forearm,it's hem was snow white ,and from the sign had hidden pockets in it. The pants looked like those baggy Arabian pants,just like the top the hem was covered with white. It reminds me so much of my culture, Rue's dad was half Japanese,since she created me I was technically Japanese.

-"I don't need a directory. Follow me!!" Bloo interrupted my thoughts,and started walking away. We ended up following him all around the mall. After 15 minutes Frankie stopped and complained on how we were taking 'forever'.

"Party store?! I was looking for a gift for Madame Foster. Hey if you wanna find a party store you should look in a directory." Bloo scanned the area,but there weren't any. Frankie was breathing in and out,trying to find the calm.

I tugged onto her jacket sleeve.
"What Eloise!?"
"Over there." I pointed over to the store near the entrance. The party store.
"Let's Go!!!"

We walked out of the party store,Frankie hugged the small bag of streamers.
"Finally." She sighed,then peered over the the entrance. Wilt was still holding the door for people passing by.
"Okay,we have enough time for only one store-ONE!!!- we'll only be there for five minutes -FIVE!!!!-so where do you wanna go?" Each time she shouted she got into Bloo's face and shouted into his war. It was honestly funny to watch.

Suddenly while everyone was looking Bloo gave a kind of squeak and pointed behind me,it was a giant store.
He ran inside and jumped ontop of a giant massage chair. It was pure black and was able to spin around while you relax.
"T-this I-is n-nic-c-ce. F-Frrankie y-you g-got t-to t-ryyy t-hissss." He moaned.
Frankie stormed over and leered over him.

"Get off Bloo. I don't wave enough money if you break it."
"D-don't sweat it F-Frankie..."
He jumped off and pushed a reluctant Frankie onto the chair. She was about to blab on when the Friend switched it on. She gave a groan,then fell asleep.
"Haha!! C'mon guys!!" Bloo grabbed Mac and my hands then led us the the counter,where a clerk was reading.
"Hello good sir,how much for the massage chair."

When the clerk told Bloo how much he nearly had a heart attack.
"WHAT!?I DONT HAVE THAT KIND OF MONEY!!!RIP OF ARTIST!!!" Bloo did what we least expected.

"Ow!!My shin!!!"

"Alright Mac,Duck(another nickname) ,c'mon,we're gonna go make our own chair!!"

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