My Powers.

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A single lightbulb turned on as it swayed gently as a smile was plastered on it's face. I sat on a small chair with a small table in front of me,Bloo was pacing back and forth,hands behind his back.

"Alright,"He stated,slamming a fist onto the table,but I didn't budge,"What were you doing then? How did you do it? Why did you do it?!"

"I can bend elements, Rue created me with those powers, and it was because Mac's brother was bullying him." I replied,rocking my legs calmly as Mac sat in the chair in front of me,his expression was blank. Bloo gave of a Hmmm,then turned to Mac.

"And what was going on when you left school?"

"I told you Terrence was sitting on the bench. He said ,'Run.' So I did and he chased me. He caught me just as I was at the front gates." Mac replied,then extended his arm out to the juice boxes in front of us,but Bloo stopped him.

"No!!Those are for the investogaters!! Not the victims!!"

Mac groaned,"C'mon Bloo, everyone's okay!! I'm actually glad Eloise stopped Terrence."

Bloo let out a laugh,"Not only did she stop him,she WINDED him! Literally!!" Knowing Bloo had won the argument Mac crossed his arms and stared at the juice boxes.

"That's not all I can do." I spoke,shifting in the chair so I could sit tall. Bloo and Mac stopped what they were doing and stared at me,"Like what?" Mac asked nervously.

Immediately I raised my hand, air clouds pulled out of the vicinity, bits of dirt from our shoes sped around,fire flamed ,and water was pulled out of thin air. (Pic above)

"So you can bend four elements we know that. But what else can you do?!" Bloo grew impatient, suddenly his face lit up like a Christmas tree," I Got it!! Bulby....if you please." Before everything went dark Bloo grabbed a Juice box and started sucking it.

His slurping sounds echoed throughout the small closet,finally the sound of Mac standing up came. "C'mon Eloise,maybe we can see when Bloo's done."

Time skip

Alright so here we are outside, Bloo and Mac were standing by my sides.

      In front of us were the gigantic swimming pool where the swimming imaginary friends live. And now I'm about to show my powers.

     "Alright now what?" Mac asked.

    I swayed my arms in a special motion. Immediately the water from the pool rose in a motion, filling up into a giant sphere water. Inside the water a few of the Friends were swimming, beads of sweat ran down my forehead as I worked hard to make the sphere stay.

      "This is awesome!!" Mac exclaimed as he ran inside for something.

      I couldn't hold it anymore; I dropped my arms and the water splashed all the way back into the water.

    There was a scream, then an added splash. It was Bloo, who fell straight into the water from the diving board. He bobbed above the water, a look of anger and annoy was plastered on his face.

   "What gives!?" He shouted, swimming into the railing.

   "I got tired."

   He groaned loudly,then walked away to get some towels.

What It Means To Be A FriendNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ