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" Don't you fucking dare! Let's go now." Jungkook said dragging jimin with him.

He gave the keys of the car which they booked for all throughout their journey to taehyung before calling for a cab. The cab finally arrived all this while jimin protested and whined but jungkook ignored him.

The cab finally arrived and jungkook gently but pushed jimin inside the backseat as he took a seat beside him.

" Wohooo! This was the bet party ever! I loved it. People in Bali are so awesome!" Jimin said drunkenly and jungkook just sighed rubbing his temples.

Jimin put his head on jungkook's shoulder and hugged his waist from side.

"You're the most important person to me kookie!" Jimin mumbled in jungkook's neck and jungkook can feel his heart beating so fast. He never felt like that before with anyone.

" You're the also the most important to me." He said softly placing a kiss on top of jimin's head.

" Really?" He asked and jungkook nodded while smiling. At jungkook's answer jimin gave him a wide toothy smile and jungkook thought his heart is gonna explode anytime now.

" I love you" jimin said softly and jimin had said it a lot of time so jungkook is used to but tonight it feels different. Tonight jungkook feels different. His heart is beating uncontrollably fast the moment jimin said ' i love you' to him. He feels happy and contented and some different emotion he can't comprehend. An emotion he never felt before.

" I love you too" he said not sure if he really means it platonically but again he would never admit it. He tells himself that he said it platonically.

Jungkook know jimin also said it platonically like he says most of time. But jungkook was unaware that jimin meant it differently this time. He was unaware this time they both meant it differently. But one was too drunk to realise it. And other was oblivious to what he was feeling.

They reached their hotel room as jungkook dragged jimin inside the washroom.

" No I wanna lie down!" Jimin whined.

" No first I will put some fresh water on you so that you sober a bit." Jungkook said dragging jimin inside and brought him under the shower with his clothes on.

Instead of standing jimin sat down on the floor making jungkook sigh as jungkook opened the shower making the cold water fall on jimin who yelped.

" Kookie! no s...stop." he begged but jungkook didn't as he saw jimin getting out of his drunk haze a bit.

" I'm gonna bring a towel." He said and was about to turn but jimin pulled at his legs making him fall beside jimin.

" Jimin!..." He was scolding but jimin's giggle cut him off.

He noticed how jimin's back was pressed to the shower wall as jungkook was right in front of him caging jimin between him and wall.

Jimin continued to giggle at the little stunt he just pulled but jungkook's thoughts keep drifting away.

He saw jimin's clothes sticking to his body making his perfect curves more prominent. It made jungkook gulp. He saw the way wet hairs sticked to jimins forehead and his rosy red lips were wet with water drop dripping from them. It was a sinful view and jungkook had an urge to do something he shouldn't do with his childhood bestfriend.

Jimin brought jungkook closer to himself playfully so that jungkook is also under the water and now he's towering a bit over jimin and his hands are rested on the wall on either side of jimin's head for balance.

Jimin looked at him innocently but the moment he noticed their positions his smile immediately drops. They're both wet due to the shower now but both are too deep in their thoughts to care about it.

" Kookie..." Jimin said breathlessly , looking innocently at jungkook. He seems to have no idea what effect he was having on jungkook right now. He seems to have no idea what thoughts are running through Jungkook's head and what he is thinking of doing to jimin right now.

" You shouldn't get that much drunk jimin. I warned you didn't I? Bit you never listen." Jungkook scolded trying to keep his mind away from the intrusive thoughts.

" Sorry daddy I won't do it again." Jimin said his tone sarcastic.

The innocent boy doesn't realise what he just said. He said daddy thinking of its literal meaning which is dad or father. So he was calling jungkook dad for scolding him but the innocent being didn't know the real meaning of this word.

Jungkook choked on jimin's word his eyes widening and he wanted to run away because of the intense emotions he was feeling right now looking at jimin in eyes who innocently just called him daddy.

" W...why did you called me daddy?" He asked.

Jimin just blinked at him.

" I was being were scolding me so I called you daddy. Because my dad also scolds me like that." Jimin said looking him in the eyes oblivious to what a mess jungkook was internally.

" You don't know the meaning of daddy?" He asked jimin breathlessly still in the same position both didn't even care about the water continuously falling over them as they talked breathlessly in low whispers.

" Yes I means father. Why are you asking the obvious kookie?" Jimin said and jungkook breathed heavily feeling guilty at what thoughts he was having about his innocent bestfriend.

" O....okay get up now let's dry ourselves." He said pulling jimin up on his feet and jimin complied easily he was not that much drunk now but still a bit tipsy.

After jungkook was done with drying jimin's hairs jimin immediately took another towel and make jungkook sit on the stool.

" Now it's my turn to dry your hairs." Jimin said cutely and jungkook just let him do what he wanted.

As jimin was drying his hairs jungkook noticed how beautiful jimin was. He have noticed it a thousands time now but everytime jimin looks more beautiful. He's almost ethreal.

Jungkook was thinking but suddenly snapped out of it. ' what the fuck is wrong with you jungkook? Get a fucking grip!' he thought to himself before focusing on not to think about anything. As jimin just dried his hairs oblivious to his bestfriend's internal crisis.

                 TO BE CONTINUED

FOREVER YOUNG ( JIKOOK)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang