Chapter 32: Homecoming

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'What are you looking at?', Lenore said, approaching Lee looking out into the bare grasslands of Lothal. He was young, sixteen. She was young as well.

'Do you think she'll come back?' Lee asked, continuing to peer off into the distance.

'No Lee,' Lenore said and placed her hand on his shoulder. 'And even if she did, you can't be waiting for her all your life.' Lee looked down and then at his sister. He knew she was right. Lenore smiled.

'I failed,' Lee said. 'I couldn't save dad....'

'You tried,' she said, her right hand was now robotic and she was older. 'It was a lot more than I ever did at the time.'

They hugged. The sun began to set and the stars began to fill the sky like their first night in Tarkintown.

'At least I saved you, my only family.' Lee said. Lenore nodded. She realized she was dreaming.

'I'm not the only family you have,' Lenore said. Lee's face changed at the mention of Rya. 'You won't be forgotten. I promise.'

Lenore awoke in the pilot chair. She had the ship on autopilot for the last hour. The five of them were quiet for a while after the ordeal with the blockade. Rol checked out the control room and made a few adjustments with Lenore's approval. Civa and Besa had finally stopped arguing and were playing a round of Dejarik in the back. Surprisingly Civa was winning and Besa had no complaints. Harillo came from the kitchen with two cups of tea and sat down in the cockpit with Lenore.

"How you holding up?"

"I can't believe he did that," she said sadly. "Just when we saw each other again, he's gone."

"He did what he thought was best,"Harillo said, handing her the tea. "At least you two got to see each other once more."

"Yeah," she said and then sipped her tea. She knew Harillo didn't say anything to his brother or father once he had defected with the rest of Unit-56. She could only imagine the guilt he felt.

"So where to from here?" Harillo asked. "I know the others don't have anywhere to head. What about you?"

"I was wondering if Lothal was still nice this time of year," She smiled and looked at him. None of them hadn't been back since the Academy.

"Lothal," Harillo repeated. He hadn't thought of his home planet in some time. "Well your brother said it was time to go home."

"He did. And you know how I hate to disappoint," Lenore adjusted the flight path. "It's time I think we all slowed down. Getting a little tired of heisting Slaver's ships and dodging Republic fire. Besides, I want to make sure I'm around for a while."

"Why? You got a boyfriend?" Harillo teased her just as he had during their Orientation week.

"A kid." Lenore said, causing Harillo to drop his tea.

"That poor child to have you as a mom," Harillo said, picking up the cup. "Dad in the pic?"

"You know, I don't remember you being this annoying before," Lenore smirked. "Must come with old age."

"Speak for yourself."

"He was a foundling. I took him in. I was able to get him into the New Republic Naval Academy." Lenore said. She realized how much the two of them had to catch up on.

"Seems you've made friends in high and low places since the Empire," Harillo said, impressed.

"Enemies as well." Lenore added. "But what about you all?"

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