"So?" Mamma said. "Oh god... Adithi. You are beautiful in your own way." She said.

No. I am not. She is saying that because she is my mom. And coz she loves me.

"You are such a lovable girl. Why are you worrying over things like that?" Mamma asked. She gave me a hug, "don't you worry about things like that..."

Yeah. It's just easier for mothers to say things like that. Because they are mothers.

"You know I used to worry like this when I was your age too," Mamma said.

Seriously? But mom is beautiful. In fact, Suhana takes after mamma.

"All girls will feel that way," Mamma said.

"Okay..." I told her, just to shut her off. I was regretting the fact that I had asked mom about it. I was an idiot. In the first place, I did not feel right to worry over my looks. It felt uncool. And a bit girlie. That's not my style.

So what if I don't look good. I can't change that... Nor do I want to spend hours on my looks. That's not me either... So all I can do is be happy and enjoy life. Who cares if I look a bit 'not-so-beautiful'.

I walked into the living room. The boys were giving Suhana her presents...

"Wow, Ishan... Thanks. It's so pretty." Suhaha was saying holding something shiny in her hand. I moved to look at it. It was a pendant and chain. And it was really really pretty... Wow! I was hit by a bit of envy at that moment. I wanted something like that too.

"I felt it will suit you," Ishan said, smiling at Suhana as usual...

"Yeah, thanks a lot," Suhana smiled at Ishan.

I felt a bit weird... I mean, something hurt like an ant bite... A small pain, but bothersome.

I walked and sat beside Suhana. I saw her other gifts. One was a copy of 'The Fault In Our Stars' from Farhan, a beautiful hair clip from Jiggy, and the pendant from Ishan. I looked at Arjun...

"Here..." Arjun handed a box to Suhana... "Just something I picked up." He ruffled the back of his head. "Nothing big or fancy."

Suhana opened the box. It was pair of studs. They were indeed pretty. Wah... Since they were studs even I could wear them. But then, Suhana doesn't like me using her jewellery coz I tend to lose them...

But they were indeed pretty, her gifts.

"My gifts?" I asked.

"I don't have," Jiggy said.

"Really?" I asked. Seriously?? If really there is not...I feel like I might cry.

"Obviously there is. Idiot." Arjun hit my head. "Here..." He handed me a packet. I opened it. It was a t-shirt, a black one.

"Thanks," I told him. But I had millions of T-shirts. I was not really excited about it.

"I was first thinking of gifting you the visiting card of a psychiatrist...but then...here," Jiggy said handing me a packet, a big one. "What?" I asked, looking at the big packet.

I opened it to see a new football. Wow! "Thanks..." I jumped up and gave him a hug. "Eeh... I so badly wanted one."

"Okay okay..." Jiggy got a bit overwhelmed at my hug.

"Here is mine," Farhan said.

I took the book from him. It was a Jeffery Archer book. "Thanks..." I said. I was more interested in the Fault In Our Starts though. I am not sure why people assume that I won't like romance or girlie stuff.

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