}21{ - Heart Re-Starter

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"Peeta!" she screamed.

She shook him harder, even resorting to slapping his face, but it was no use.

His heart had failed.

She was slapping emptiness.

"Peeta!" She cried.

Finnick pushed Livia out of the way, "Let me."

His fingers touched points at Peeta's neck, ran over the bones in his ribs and spine.

Then he pinched Peeta's nostrils shut.

"No!" Livia yelled, hurling herself at Finnick, for surely he intended to make certain that Peeta's dead, to keep any hope of life from returning to him.

Finnick's hand came up and hits her so hard, so squarely in the chest, that she went flying back into a nearby tree trunk.

She was stunned for a moment, by the pain, by trying to regain her wind, as she saw Finnick close off Peeta's nose again.

From where she sat, she flicked out a star, ready to land it in Finnick's head, but Leilani gently placed her hand on Livia's arm.

The girl gestured back to Finnick as if to say, 'watch'.

When Livia looked back she was stunned at the sight of Finnick kissing Peeta.

It was bizarre- even for Finnick- Livia thought.

No, he wasn't kissing him.

He had Peeta's nose blocked off but his mouth tilted open, and he was blowing air into his lungs.

Livia could see it- actually see Peeta's chest rising and falling.

Then Finnick unzipped the top of Peeta's jumpsuit and began to pump the spot over his heart with the heels of his hands.

Now that she'd gotten through her shock, she understood what he was trying to do.

Finnick's world was different for sure.

Whatever he was doing, he had done it before.

There was a very set rhythm and method.

And Livia found her disc sinking to the ground as she leaned in to watch, desperately, for some sign of success.

Agonizing minutes dragged past as her hopes diminished.

Around the time that she'd decided it was too late, that Peeta was dead- moved on, unreachable forever- he gave a small cough and Finnick sat back.

Livia flung herself at him.

"Peeta?" She cried softly.

She brushed the damp blond strands of hair back from his forehead and found his pulse drumming against her fingers at his neck.

His lashes fluttered open and his eyes met hers.

"Careful", he coughed weakly, "There's a force field up ahead."

Livia laughed, but tears still ran down her cheeks.

"Must be a lot stronger than the one on the Training Center roof", he explained, "I'm all right, though. Just a little shaken."

"You were dead! Your heart stopped!" Livia burst out, before considering if it was a good idea.

She clasped her hand over her mouth because she started making those awful choking sounds that happened when she sobbed.

"Well, it seems to be working now", He joked, "It's all right, Livia."

She nodded her head but the sounds didn't stop.

Catching Fire - Peeta Mellark (2)Where stories live. Discover now