}17{ - Tongue-Tied Noose

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She was speechless with how the Capitol's torturers had rendered Darius.

Haymitch had once told her they did something to Avoxes' tongues so they could never talk again.

In her head she could hear Darius's voice, playful and bright, ringing across the Hob to tease her.

The thought-

She woke up on the ground, cradled in Peeta's arms as Haymitch fanned her.

Their voices rung in her ears.

Her vision slowly returned and the face of a worried Peeta was the first to greet her.

"What?" She quizzed, his mouth moving but the words incomprehensible.

"What happened?" She slurred as she moved to stand.

Peeta held her back down.

His voice was the first to pierce through, soft and gentle.

"Stay down, Livia, alright?" He cooed.

Livia glanced over towards Darius, meeting his gaze. They weren't too far apart, him now a mute slave; her, now headed to death.

Although maybe he had it worse, at least death was final- living without a voice, a slave, was a
much worse fate then death.

When she finally worked the strength to stand, she disappeared without a word.

A shiver trilled down her spine.

Her eyes flickered up with a blink.

Peeta stood before her.

Which was the first sign.

It wasn't real, but it didn't make it feel any less so.

The way he swallowed, the state of constant struggle- it made Livia want to puke.

She coughed, the sound losing its airiness and becoming more of a choke.

She coughed out the mass in her mouth into her hand.

Pain shot through her mouth and when she looked down at her hand there sat her tongue.

Blood soaked her hands and dripped slowly into the elegant carpeting.

A panic shook through her that could only be explained as unrelenting, horrifying shock.

A look towards Peeta and she spotted his hand, now bloodied like hers, outstretched between them.

And only as he opened his palms did Livia realize it had not been blood.


Crushed and mashed between his fingers, creating a liquid as deep of a red as blood.

It was the fate that awaited them both for their treachery.

She squeezed her eyes tightly and ignoring the flesh as her fist closed.

It was awhile before she became aware.

Aware of the room around her.

Aware of the blood that filled her mouth, from biting her tongue so hard.

And even longer for her to grasp the concept of time- something that was harder after each hallucination.

Although she had a little bit of an idea after Effie had knocked on the door to summon her to dinner.

Livia quickly changed and washed the dark streaks of makeup from her face.

She threw on a simple shirt and pants before heading down the hall to the dining room.

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