}7{ - It Starts at Midnight

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In that one slight motion, Livia saw the end of hope, the beginning of the destruction of everything she held dear in the world.

You would think that at this moment, she would be in utter despair, but she felt relief and joy.

So instead of crumpling to the ground and weeping, Livia found herself standing up straighter and with more confidence than she'd had in weeks.

He turned to the audience.

"What do you think about us throwing them a wedding right here in the Capitol?" President snow asked.

Caesar Flickerman then asked if the president had a date in mind.

President snow smirked, "Oh, before we set a date, we better clear it with Livia's father."

She can't tell if it's a joke- her father would never approve of her happiness.

The audience gave a big laugh as the president put his arm around her.

The last stop on the tour was a party, held in the banquet room of President Snow's mansion.

The forty-foot ceiling had been transformed into the night sky, and the stars looked exactly as they did back home.

About halfway between the floor and the ceiling, musicians floated on what looked like fluffy white clouds, although, Livia couldn't tell what held them aloft.

Traditional dining tables were replaced by innumerable stuffed sofas and chairs, some surrounding fireplaces, others beside fragrant flower gardens or ponds filled with exotic fish, so that people could eat and drink and do whatever they please in the utmost comfort.

There was a large tiled area in the center of the room that serves as everything from a dance floor, to a stage for the performers who come and go, to another spot to mingle with the flamboyantly dressed guests.

However, the real star of the evening was the food.

Tables were laden with delicacies lining the walls.

Everything you can think of- and have never dreamed of- lied in wait.

Whole roasted cows and pigs and goats turned on spits. Huge platters of fowl stuffed with savory fruits and nuts. Ocean creatures drizzled in sauces or begging to be dipped in spicy concoctions.

Countless cheeses, breads, vegetables, sweets, waterfalls of wine, and streams of spirits that flicker with flames.

"I want to taste everything in the room." Livia exclaimed.

She wore a floor-length black dress with all kinds of pattern designs. It had like-shoulder-pads design of black and red that was almost feather like.

Pieces of her hair were pulled back into a braided crown and her makeup was a coordinating red.

He chuckles, his arm resting on the lower of her back, "Then you'd better pace yourself."

He wore a black suit that matched with Livia's own outfit.

"Okay, no more than one bite of each dish." Livia declares, however, it doesn't last long.

By the first table she was ready to start and end it all with the soups- including a cream pumpkin stew, sprinkled with slivered nuts and tiny black seeds.

She swears if she could eat one thing for the rest of her life it'd be that and still, she moves on stopping again at a clear green broth that could only be described as tasting like springtime, and then again to try a frothy pink soup dotted with raspberries.

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