Finally...we are Reunited ( part 4 )

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Mono had fought, crawled, escaped, and had many near-death experiences. But did that stop him from finding his friends? The answer to that question is...

Nope. Not at all.

He didn't back down, no matter what. He did have second thoughts when he was hiding from the teacher but snapped out of it. 'THEY ARE MY FRIENDS, AND THEY ARE PEOPLE! I WON'T LOSE THEM!' He kept thinking he would soon find you and Six somewhere... At least, he hopes he would.


With you and Six, however, you felt that you were in the air but didn't open your eyes. You would rather be in that dream than be in the air with those dolls. "psst, hey, you awake Y/N?" Six whispered, you wiggled your hands to try and grab Six's finger, "ya, I'm up." You felt Six loosen up, she was tense for some reason. "Hey, why are you tense? Did you have a bad dream?" You couldn't see her face but you heard a frown in her voice, "Ya, I guess you can call it that."


"CRAP, CRAP, CRAP, CRAP!!" Mono was busy running and fighting some stuolls and dogged a few traps along the way. He was so close, so close... he was bloodthirsty, for some reason. He made his way to the bathroom when he saw you and Six, 'wait is that- SIX AND Y/N!' while he was busy thinking about how to get them down safely, he heard giggles coming from the dolls... he walked towards them dragging his hammer and,


He had killed the dolls with no mercy, he then noticed the wood plank holding the rope, he was scared he might end up hurting one of you, but he couldn't think of a way to do it. So he just broke the plank and immediately ran towards you both to check if you were all safe and not injured. "Hey, you guys alright?" Y/N nodded and Six got up with a little help from Y/N, "We're fine, we just got knocked out and were hung up to the ceiling."  It was silent for a moment until Mono came and hugged the both of us, "I'm so sorry, I couldn't save the two of you from that attack..." Mono said, Y/N soon followed up with a  response, "It's alright, we can't always save everyone.". As you guys made it out of the bathroom, the biggest chase has now begun.

*{Timeskip to when you escape, why? Because I wanna get to the plot. }*

You guys landed in a dumpster and heard the teacher's neck cracks and stretching noises, you all were as silent as a mouse. You all then heard her retreat back to the school. " I never wanna go back there again. " Y/N and Mono nodded in agreement. As the three of you walked, Mono noticed something different about you, "Hey Y/N, did you get taller?" You looked down to see you were towering both Six and Mono, 'that's weird, I was the same height as them...', you then looked back at Mono and shrugged, "Growth sprout?"




" I'm gonna look in this building, you all can go ahead I'll catch up."  You said while making your way inside, "OKAY! BE CAREFUL", "WE WILL LEAVE A TRAIL IF YOU EVER GET LOST! JUST FOLLOW... UH... OH, THIS YELLOW ROPE! " Mono shouted, you yelled back at them to go on while you scavaged for supplies when you heard a glitching sound and that's when you decided to hide, you were scared, what was it? who was it? you took a peek and you almost puked...

A deformed human being.

But as soon as you took a peek a boy came from the other direction, and... killed the deformed human. The man then turned around and saw you you panicked but then realize, ' I'm... SO TALL! WHAT HAPPENED?!' You were about to run away and find a way to the yellow rope, but you heard the man say, "...I knew you would come back... please don't leave me, like what she did in the end... you promised me you would stay with me... forever..."

You started running away then heard him cry out...


You were scared but you soon felt the grown open and something grabbed your legs and heard him from behind... 

"Don't make me use these methods, my dear, I need you here, with me... you were always there... so stay with me..."

"You made a promise to me before, so live up to it. You would never leave me, but soon after that promise, you went to find something... and never came back... I was worried, my dear... oh so worried~"




"So now, I'll make sure you never leave me again... my dear Y/N~"

A Dent in the Cycle Mono x fem!reader ( small fan fic )Where stories live. Discover now