School's troubles ( part 1 )

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I have A LOT of writing to do so, enjoy this chapter :D

Narrators POV;

After the "I'm Attractive" argument, they stumbled into a schoolyard, with a see-saw, and other children's play toys, they looked around, then you saw a rope coming from the inside, you called for your two friends, and pointed at the rope, soon you three made it through the window and walked around the hallways. ( NOTE; SPOILERS SHALL BE COMING AFTER THIS POINT, BE WARNED ). 

As they were walking around you saw a shadow of some lady, and her movements were followed by, someone stepping on sticks? You didn't go further but one thing made itself clear, you guys weren't alone in this school building, and the women didn't seem like the type of teacher to left students out of detention early, 

"well, that's one thing we should be careful of..." Mono said with Six nodding her head multiple times, as you continued, you felt a draft of wind, coming from a painting, 'strange...' you went towards it and called six over to boost you up, you did your best to make as much noise, to make the 'teacher figure' mad, it made a slight thud, but it was loud enough to alert mono, and he came over, you all walked in there and saw a little secret room, but the thing is, it was around your guys' size, ( not in a *cough* inappropriate way *cough* ) that was what made you question, 

If there is a teacher, there have to be students...right?

After a few bits of exploring, you guys made it to an area with lockers, but then out of nowhere, THUD, a locker fell on top of Mono, leaving you and Six outside, but then, some children started to come out from everywhere, some had cracks on their face, you and Six did your best to hold them off, but got dragged by them, and then up a ladder, Mono chasing after the two of you, but 

he was too late, 

Now the two of you were getting dragged by these, students? dolls? whatever they are, they seem to be very fragile, considering the cracks on their face, so they were made with some sort of glass material, Six was yelling for them to let you guys go, but instead got knocked out, leaving you, conscious, and alone, well not technically, but still, then soon you got knocked out, and then all you saw was black,

a very dark, pitch-black void,

with no end...

( here yall go, chapter 3, chapter 4 is ongoing rn, and will be posted soon, anyways gotta write now peace )

hihi another heads up! I think the next chapter might be over 900 words so, Be ready! and I'm writing more of it while I wait for my class to start lol

A Dent in the Cycle Mono x fem!reader ( small fan fic )Where stories live. Discover now