=< 7 >= Three Keys

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          Smokescreen is brought back and once he's back he says immediatly "Didn't I tell ya!? Alpha Trion knew I'd keep it safe." He taps his chassis, showing the location of where it was.

Arcee scoffs "Please, you probably didn't even know it was there."

Smokescreen was turned down by that. Bulkhead tries to step in "Yeah but he got it, didn't he?"

             Arcee pulls the wrecker aside and says to him "Smokescreen isn't bright in the slightest. First thing he does when he gets here is almost fry us with an energon explosion from a misfired shot. He said it was a good plan. Next, he disregards for protocol and takes the shifter, not even telling anyone about it! He almost made Ratchet attack him. Even you didn't like him! You said he was replacing you and you also included that he needs to mech up and be out there when Prime says he's ready!-"

"Smokescreen's doing great! Just leave him alone. We had the wrong idea about him." Bulkhead counters, shoving her off.

"Something bad could happen to him if he's taken off guard. I'm sure of it!" The cyclist yells at him.

Over with the other autobots, Prime was looking over the 2 items "Smokescreen, you would do well to account for our first victory. The one you saved me from."

Smoke laughs "Yeah I remember that! Why do you ask, Chief?"

Bumblebee beeps "<=That one lies in the vault still. Here, you brought two more. We're still missing one.>="

Smoke states "It was the only key in Megatron's vault."

"So three keys are accounted for." Prime declares

"Then the fourth is still somewhere on the con's warship." Bulkhead joins in "Unless, they never had it to begin with?"

Almost on cue, an alert displays on one of Ratchets emerald monitors. It displayed Starscream with an embedded message in the signal that Ratchet read off "I have obtained something of intrest to you which seems to be of no practical use to me."

"It's gotta be the Omega key!" Bulk shouts.

"He's the one who blind-sighted me back in the forest!" Smoke includes.

The doctor stops them "EP EP EP!! There's more. 'Bring medical kit. I only ask for the surgical replacement of my T-cog in return."

Bulk busts out laughing "PHHH Ha! Like we're gonna give Scream back his wings!"

Ratchet argues "Without the missing key, Cybertron will remain devoid of life."

"Broken record I know but... It could be a trick." Arcee points out.

Optimus joins "It is possible that Starscream does not yet realize the significance of what he holds."

"And we do know that he has been incapable of flight for some time." Ratchet says

Prime finishes "The stakes are too great for us not to consider Starscream's proposal. However, we will take precautions."

Ratchet fires up the bridge and he along with Prime and Bulkhead go through.

Time skip. Starscream takes the keys and goes to Megatron. We're skipping to the scene where the base goes down. It will be in the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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