=< 2 >= Frustration

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Optimus and Megatron battled fiercely once he arrived. Then Prime's sword shatters and he falls to his knees. "and so it ends!" The warlord shouts "Just as I envisioned, with your head beside my new trophy!" A voice stops him before he kills Prime "Oh, you mean this? Finders keepers!" He looks over and spots Smokescreen with the Omega Key. Prime holds Megatron away from the rookie and Smokescreen tries to help. Prime only kept ordering him to stay back. When the warlord swung, the kid used his phase shifter to defend Optimus. The autobot called for a bridge and they left. Megatron tried to get them but failed.

           Back at base, Arcee stayed silent. Everyone was arguing with him saying stuff like "You scared us half to death." Or "You're so irresponsible/ stupid" Or "What were you thinking!?" Even Prime said a few things "Taking the phase shifter without us knowing was dishonoring, going to fight him with just the 2 of you was irresponsible, you should have called for backup. You could have died. You are highly lucky you did not."

Ratchet didn't get the chance to fix the kid's injuries if he had any because Smoke got tired of everyone and went to his room. He laid down, annoyed with everything that happened. Ratchet knocks on his door and opens it "Smokescreen—" "If you're gonna say something mean, get out." The rookie whines, on the edge of crying. The doctor responds "I just want to check you for an injury." Smokescreen discourages it "No, Ratchet. I feel fine! Just go away!" The medic goes to speak but Smoke sits up "I said leave!" The doctor grunts and walks out, shutting the door. The kid then lays down before getting an idea. "You know what? I'll show you that I can win a fight. I'll take down a con. I'll bring down a main one, like Dreadwing.... No no no, Soundwave! He'll be hard to take but it'll get me in good with the team. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will."

                The next day, he woke up late. Arcee and Bee had already left. He realizes he slept in and keeps out of bed, then running out of his room, down the gray hall and into the large room "Sorry I'm late! What happened?" He asks, skidding to a stop. Optimus informs him "You slept in, I see." "Yeah, sorry about that, boss." "Another action needed to be worked on. You will perfect it in time." Prime says calmly. Smokescreen stands correctly and smiles happily, nodding to his chief.

              A com then rings "Ratchet, we require a bridge back to base...." It was Arcee. She sounded so upset, like she failed a mission. The medic opens the vortex for them and they both walk through. Bee held his servo to his broken chassis. Arcee held both her arms, her wings down and flat against her back. She looked up at Smokescreen who looked at her shocked. The cylclist just vents and shakes her head, walking over to medbay.

           She sits with a clang and a thump, keeping her eyes to the floor. Ratchet scanned the scout for injuries shortly after. The blue femme looks up "I'm sorry Optimus, Knockout was there, waiting for us. Seems the cons are improving their decoding skills." She says furiously. Ratchet adds "And it seems that with 2 keys already separated, no one currently possesses the means to revive Cybertron." The chief responds "While our quest to restore our planet may have reached a stalemate, securing the remaining keys is still the most prudent course of action."

          Smokescreen slaps his leg, jostling around in his stance. He had so much energy at the moment "Man, It must of been crazy with Knocko going all sonic! Ah! I wish I'd been there, I would of-" as he punches the air, Arcee interrupts him coldly "Would have what!?" Recovered the key like you did the first one?" Prime watches the kid, not wanting him to push it. His teeth were firm together inside his chamber and his lips were curved at the ends, showing he was tense and a tad frustrated. Smoke answers "Mmmaybe? Who knows!? I just want us to be firing on all cylinders; you know, now that the star saber's gone, and I have a pretty good track record so far!" Arcee groans and rises to her feet, gripping her arm and walking out of medbay, furious with the failure of her mission, inability to achieve the key, and with Smokescreen." Smoke wanted to talk with her but Prime stops him "Smokescreen, it is best you leave her be." "But sir I-" Optimus's glare intensifies and Smokescreen quiets "Y-yes sir..."

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