=< 6 >= Escaping

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Smokescreen ran through walls and past decepticon backs trying to find his team's target. He could have sworn he checked through every hall until he finally found the warlord himself, walking towards a door with a coded entry button. "This has to be it." He thought. He stepped out of the wall and got ready to charge at him. He turned his item off before running forward. Once he was next to him, he jumped up and—

"Think fast!!"

The omega key went right into his hand. He activated his phase shifter once more and jumped backwards into the door and snatched the omega key, laughing as he hears the gladiator furiously punch in the code to open the door. Smokescreen didn't stick around but he sure did laugh to himself again as he heard Megatron's yell of anger throughout the ship. He jumped through walls and passed Decepticons, phasing THROUGH a clueless Insecticon and then turning into a dead end of vehicons.

"Oh this isn't the way out?" He joked as they commenced fire, their shots going through him. They kill the cons on the opposite side and Smoke runs again.

The autobot gets to the top of the ship but the cons were there too. Knockout was right. Megatron held out his servo.

"The keys."

Smokescreen stepped back nervously until he felt the rush of wind against his back. He turned around and saw the sky below him. He sure was up high.

"A pity you are incapable of flight." Megatron laughs, thinking he had the advantage.

Smokescreen wasn't going to give up now "Yeah, like I'm gonna let that stop me." And with that, jumped from the ledge as the cons commenced fire on him.

The first thing the rookie did once he was in the air was call his team "Smokescreen to base, I could REALLY use a groundbridge."

Megatron stared down and yelled "Retrieve the Omega keys, QUICKLY!!!" He threw off one of his sky patrollers and one of his ground scouts, not realizing he had sent the wrong one due to his frustration.

A shot fired upon Smokescreen and the rookie looked backwards and up before putting the 2 items on his back. He dives and the sky con resumes chase. The autobot then activated his shifter again, phasing through the con before shooting it dead. He then continued his travel down.

A voiced sounded in his ear "Smokescreen, I'm opening a groundbridge directly below you." Boy was the kid relieved to hear the medic.

Smokescreen responds, turning his wrist relic off "Brace yourselfs. I'm gonna make an entrance."

It wasn't long before he heard the sound of an engine followed with a growl. Megatron. The gladiator flew after him and then under him, pushing him off course of the bridge and flying away to let the kid fall to his death.

The earth snuck up on his eyes and it brought fear to Smokescreen's spark. "I hope proper grounding on this thing doesn't refer to actual ground." He begged, repeating Knockout's words from back on the ship.

The kid got closer and closer as the 2 Eradicons chased him. Soon enough, he hit the ground and passed straight through it, the phasing slowing him down. Unfortunately, the eradicons weren't equipped with the same matter and crashed into the brown floor.

Megatron however was well aware and pulled up quickly, then turning around and transforming. His feet land heavy at the top of the crater along with 2 light landings of 2 of his sky patrollers.

"Scour the wreckage! I want those keys!" He yells.

Smokescreen steps out of the rocks silently and whispers to his base again "Hey, Ratchet, I could still REALLY use that groundbridge."

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