=< 5 >= Messing With Phase

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The red decepticon displays his findings on a nearby screen and all 4 of them look to it. Megatron looked to it the longest.

"Yet another of these identical relics? Remove it swiftly." The warlord commands.

"With pleasure." Knockout smiles "I do so resent a finish flashier than my own."

His saw blade ejects from his arm mid sentence as he turns to the autobot. It begins spinning and he slowly lowers it towards Smokescreen's chassis, freaking him out constantly with each passing second. Tears almost beaded his diamond clear eyes. All kinds of whimpering and noises of struggle escaped his lips. It only made the Decepticons more pleased with each second.

One of knockout's saw teeth clipped Smoke make him whine and KO didn't even realize it. He pulled his saw away and retracted it.

"Ha, made ya squirm."

Smokescreen gulped down his fear and looked to the decepticon, full of fear. Even though he was expecting it and so would everyone else, he was still in a bit of terror. Knockout does a quick re-demonstration of the phase shifter before his leader snaps at him and he goes through with it.

He thrusts his servo into Smokescreen's chassis and begins to feel around for the omega key. The rookie moved and struggled the whole time.

"Get your stinken hand outta my gears!" Smokescreen barked.

            Knockout's hand circled around until he found the handle of the item "Annnnnnd. Gotcha!"

                Smokescreen's entire framed rocked as the key emerged from his blue chest plate. Groans and whimpers emerged from the rookie's throat until the key was separated from him and he fell flat to the metal slab behind him. His white and grey legs twitched and his silver servos shook carefully. Cold puffs of breath left his mouth as Knockout held the dusted item to his leader. Megatron observed it for a second before turning to Smokescreen.

"Tell me the function of these relics." The cold tone rolled off the gladiator's tone.

Smokescreen brought his helm up and looked the decepticon in the eye "Doorstops, shavers, bling, beats me."

The cherry medic next to him huffs "Hm, a pity this little gadget won't allow me to just reach into his head and pluck out the info."

           Megatron stepped closer to the rookie, observing him close before turning to his medic for a second. He then rolled his head back as he began to speak.

"Fortunately, we posses a device that can."
             The warlord's footsteps echoed throughout the hall as he marched forward. The familiar voice of his enemy emitted from the room in front of him,

               "While I am unfamiliar  with the lore of these Omega Keys, Alpha Trion knew many secrets and the ancients possessed technology that has long been lost to what we consider modern science." Megatron's feet reached the gathering of autobots before Optimus. "Whatever their function, this much is certain. We cannot restore Cybertron without all 4 Omega keys in our possession. The future of our home world depends upon it."

            The memory ended and Knockout stepped lightly to the rookie "That's a wrap!"

           He unplugs the device letting Smokescreen recover from the jolt of electricity as his red and silver feet wander their way across the purple floor to his leader. His servo reaches under the platform his master was set upon and gripped the cord. With a quick turn and pull, the psychic patch was pulled from the outlet and Megatron awoke from the stasis effect.

            "The power to remake Cybertron... As I see fit?" The gladiator sat up on the berth before standing to his sized feet "I will pry the other two keys from Optimus prime's lifeless fingers. We must find the exact location of the autobot base. Patch in and tear apart Smokescreen's mind if you must."

"Me?" Knockout questioned.

"Who else?" The leader growls deeply "Do you really think I would entrust YOU to see this key to the vault containing the other one?"

            Knockout's ringed optics looked around finding an answer. His optics then closed before looking upon his master with surprise.

            After the warlord left the room, the medic shrugged and shook his helm "Once more into the brain pan." He walked over to the table to collect the psychic patch again.

"No, not again!! Stay out of my head!" Smokescreen panicked.

The decepticon shook his helm and laughed "Now now." He tried to console him "You'll only make things worse for yourself."

         A sudden pull on his wrist grabbed his attention. "Worse how?" Smokescreen smirked, his hand on the phase shifter adorning the red wrist of his enemy. The phasing started and Smoke got out of the bonds of his restraints and began to fight Knockout over the item. Noises of exertion filled the room before they both phased through the wall, only one of them coming out victorious.

           Smokescreen falls to the ground and picks up the relic,  looking to his trapped opponent. "Well. Aren't you the clever one." Knockout growls before trying to break out.

"This ship is miles in the sky and SWARMING with Decepticons!!" He warned "Do you really think you can escape?"

The rookie stood up and activated the wrist astetic "Who says I'm looking to escape?"

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