Chapter 19: investigation #3 (pt. 2)

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Kaeya enters Angel Share looking for Y/N

"Here for a drink?" Diluc asks from behind the counter, "not currently, i have some new information " Kaeya responds. Kaeya hands the red headed hottie a folded piece of paper with all the clues on it. "May we speak somewhere else?" Kaeya says, Diluc sighs and walks upstairs with Kaeya while Charles takes over the bartending.

"Before we start any idea where Y/N might be? I'd like to explain this too the both of you" Kaeya asks, Diluc shakes his head "No, they ran back to their house to get something. I offered to go with but they refused."   "I see, then I suppose ill have to say this twice." Kaeya then tells Diluc everything.

"Donna?" Diluc says sounding concerned, "hard to believe is it? But of course not confirmed, I'd like to look into it more before we start assuming things" Kaeya says. Diluc nods and head back to work while Kaeya does the same.

Night time

Diluc has yet to hear from Y/N and starts to get worried. Its been hours, where could they be? Since he can't leave the tavern at the moment he trust that you would be back soon.


Nothing... Diluc knows that Y/N can take care of their self, but he knows how clumsy they can be too. Diluc asks Charles to close up Angles Share, he accepts and Diluc goes to Y/Ns home.

Someone give Charles a raise

Out of breath Diluc knocks on Y/Ns door. "Hello? Y/N its me" Diluc says waiting for a response, but he hears nothing. Diluc knocks a little harder, but still nothing. "Y/N I'm coming in!" Diluc opens the door and to his surprise the door was already unlocked. He steps inside and turns on the lights.

The room was completely destroyed. Scratch marks on the walls, Pictures on the floor, and Blood. Diluc's heart stopped as he walked around your room seeing all the damage. Diluc turned to your nightstand and finds a note. He hurriedly (is that a word?) opened the note "If you want your precious Y/N back, meet us here. (They added a map how sweet) The sooner, the less harm done." Diluc filled with rage ran out of the house straight out of Mondstadt, Diluc doesn't know who he'll be up against but he doesn't want to waste anymore time.


I have zero motivation and i wanna drop this story but there's so many of you and i don't wanna leave y'all hanging so I'll finish it just very slowly, so please bear with me

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