Chapter 15

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You woke up to the bird chirping and as you slowly start to open your eyes your immediately blinded by the light shining through your window. You flinched and covered your eyes then proceeded to stumble your way over to close the curtains. Once they were closed you looked down and remembered the notes from last night "oh yeah, i have to deal with these today" you complained and slowly walk your way to the shower.

Shower thoughts 💭
what does water taste like, why cant i smell myself, why do i keep falling for fake guys, I cant think of a new color, why does Kaeya sound so hot, why do i want Levi Ackerman to step on me, Diluc voice crack Diluc voice crack Diluc voice crack Diluc voice crack Diluc voice crack Diluc voice crack Diluc voice crack Diluc voice crack Diluc voice crack Diluc voice crack Diluc voice crack

Once you were done your shower you got ready to head to the Knights of Favonious (idk if i spelled that right) to see Jean and ask her about the notes.

"Hey Jean" you said as you walked in, Jean was at her desk going through some stuff "Hello Y/N, what brings you here?" She asks and you tell her the story about the notes and items. "Hmm that sounds rather suspicious. Y/N may i have a look at the notes please." You hand the notes to Jean and she begins looking through everything, something that stood out to her was the items, cat fur, dead petals, and a cross. She thought it was very strange and didn't know what whoever put these here was trying to do " Y/N do you think this could be some type of prank?" Jean asks, "Im not sure I haven't really given it much thought at all" you responded. "Well whatever this is i want you to show it to Kaeya as well he might have some idea about it" Jean said, you agreed and went to see Kaeya

You opened Kaeyas office door and he greeted you "well if it isn't my brothers little lover, welcome" he said, "i was kinda hoping you were with a girl so i could barge in on you or guy if your into that" you said as you tease him back, "what are you here for? Did Diluc brake your heart?" He asks and you tell him about the notes.

"Hm yes its quite obvious." Kaeya says with his hand on face
(yaknow that position they do in genshin when there thinking)

"It is? So what is it?" You ask

"Someone is jealous of you and Master Diluc clearly"

I did it :)

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