Chapter 13

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The next morning you woke up in your bed next to Diluc, you two were cuddled close in a honeymoon hug position. You looked at his face and softly brushed his red hair out of the way, you smiled softly then Diluc slowly started opening his eyes "hey~" Diluc said in a morning voice "good morning, we should get up and get ready for the day" you said as you sat up. Diluc grabbed you before you could get out of bed "lets just cuddle for a few more minutes, please". You couldn't resist so you laid back down and tucked your head into his chest.

You both ended up falling back asleep for a few hours when you woke up again Diluc was holding you tightly so you could barely move. After struggling for 5 minutes you gave up and started slapping his back trying to wake him up. (lol just imagining that)
"What are you doing" Diluc groaned, "let me up, and don't you dare say a few more minutes because its been a hours!" You yelled, Diluc let go of you then you both got up. "C'mon lets go bathe." You said.

You took a bath first then Diluc did after you, once you were both done and all freshened up you went over to Diluc and gave him a hug. "Sorry" your voice was a bit muffled because you had your head in Diluc's chest (or in his shoulder if your taller then him). "What are you sorry for?" Diluc said concerned, "for yelling at you" you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly, "Don't be sorry for that" Diluc said as he placed a kiss on your head. "Let's go now. You have commissions to do, and you better come back on time uninjured, understood?" Diluc looked deeply into your eyes as he said that so you knew he was serious, "Yessir" you said with a smile, "Good" Diluc said.

Diluc had to go to Angels Share but since he wasn't in a rush he decided to walk with you to get your commissions. All of your commissions were easy ones so Diluc wasn't so worried any more, since it wasn't a far walk he walked to the Mondstadt gate with you to see you off. "Well then, i should be seeing you tonight or tomorrow" you said as you turn to Diluc, "i guess so" he says. Diluc began getting really close to you and then he leaned in for a kiss, it took you by surprised at first but you didn't stop it and went along and kissed him back. It was a quick kiss but when he backed up you could see him blushing, probably because you two never kissed in public before. "When you come back, lets go out on another date" Diluc said as he looked into your E/C eyes. You giggled and nodded then went on your way and of course Donna. Saw. EVERYTHING.

So i have a few questions plz answer

So like do you want you and Diluc to have kids?

If yes then wld you want to adopt or no?

Do you want you and Diluc to be married first or something?
Asking for a friend 💅

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